[timmyT]'s diary

26775  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-12-09
Written: (5034 days ago)

happy b day kayro...
we miss u

26515  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-11-10
Written: (5063 days ago)

now i rimember y i left fake

26188  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-10-22
Written: (5082 days ago)

whats rong with brother
There was something weird about the day we brought my baby brother home. There was something weird about everything—the hospital, the people… everything. They kept giving us these strange looks, and I didn’t understand it.                                      A weird thing about my brother is that he was able to speak shortly after we brought him home. When I say speak, I don’t mean actual words. Just the cute baby-babbling everyone loves so much. One phrase he repeated almost constantly was especially strange. It sounded something like, “Ahg ed.”                                                             He would say it a lot whenever something bad happened, or when he got scared. When we asked what was wrong, he would just repeat it over and over again. Over time, he became easier to understand. Now, “ahg ed” sounded more like “ah bed.”                                  We assumed it was his way of telling us he was tired, but he still repeated it a lot. More time passed and he was about the age where most babies started to speak. One night, he suddenly started screaming and crying, and when I went to ask him what the matter was, he clearly said the words that will haunt me forever: “I’m dead.”

25936  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-10-12
Written: (5092 days ago)

been realy sick latley i can hardley breath

25767  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-10-03
Written: (5101 days ago)

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT. i got a message from youtube today and they said they want me to be a partner, which means i will get paid monies when ppl watches mah video. HUZZAH FOR ME!!!

25696  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-09-29
Written: (5105 days ago)

realy dipressed and pissed off cuz my dad wont stop bing a asshole im really atached 2 a person and i hardley get 2 c her exsept 1s every 4 days and the past 2 times shes ben on my dadwont let me online

25682  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-09-29
Written: (5106 days ago)

i think im crushing on sum1 .................. head

25670  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-09-28
Written: (5106 days ago)

y the hell cant i ever have anything i wont even if its somthing as simpl as a freand telling me everything will b ok

25604  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-09-25
Written: (5109 days ago)

mesige me any1 who read this

25566  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-23
Written: (5111 days ago)

it shouldnt b this hard 2 tell if u care about me or if any 1 dus 4 that matter

25514  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-09-21
Written: (5113 days ago)

my computer got a bunch of vires and i wont b able 2 use it 4 a wile so i have 2 use my ps3 its pissing me of plus evey 1s ignoring me

25468  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-09-17
Written: (5117 days ago)

y do all the love song cum on when im sad

25297  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-09-09
Written: (5125 days ago)

i been realy sik i just got bak from the hospidl

25177  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-09-03
Written: (5131 days ago)


25053  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-08-28
Written: (5138 days ago)

its funy how the things that make u sad also push u forwerd

24988  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-08-21
Written: (5144 days ago)

honistley im miserbl i feel like im dieing inside ur all good frends and u no me prittey welll .... but in case i havent told u or u havint figerd out from my pik...... im handeycapt iv spent all my life in a weelchair and it is very hard 2 met girls that will like me but anyway back 2 the pouint i met a girl.... u no who u r i think i love her.... it kills me inside 2 no ill never be anything more 2 her otherthen what i alredey am

24879  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-08-12
Written: (5153 days ago)
Next in thread: 24885

well i figerd i should right sumthin hee im realy sad but i cant say y if u wona no y mesige me

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