feel really sick i forgot 2 set my clock and whent to class a houer erley
whats so funny about my legs
a famis stand up comic did a revew of 1 of my songs
oly watch the 1st few shttp://vimeo.
Advent Children Paper
Since the early 1980’s, there have been hundreds of games based on movies and movies based on video games. These adaptations can be very good, or they can be the worst thing to ever contaminate a movie screen or television set (cough cough Alone in the Dark cough cough). It is my personal opinion that if done properly, a video game based on the film adaptation Final Fantasy: Advent Children could be truly great. One drawback to this idea is the chance that since the film was made mainly to attract the attention of hardcore fans of the Final Fantasy franchise, the game could also attract only the attention of hardcore fans. One of the possible technical novelties, on the other hand, is that each playable character could have a unique gameplay style. Cloud, for instance, could have a gameplay mode similar to that of Devil May Cry, considering the fast-paced swordfights him and other characters, and he could also have sandbox/drivin
so fucking sick of everything sick of collige sick of every1 rideing my ass sick of my fucktardid dad lafing his ass off at re runs of friends and everybodey loves ramind and sick of being so fucking dipresd
just when i thought things couldnt get any wers now basicley have 2 pay childe suport on my sister
sick feel like im guna throw up sweting 4 no reason n everything is mooving realy slow
no mater how hard i try i cant exscape my past
im feeling sick i h8 collige
i wish i didnt have morls
tv these days is filld with the pritenchis stupd bullshit iv ever seen ....
sum days i pray 4 deth
y is it when ever somthing good happins 2me 3 bad things happins
same days i wunder y im here
gess things never change do they
y is it like pulling teeth 2 try 2 get u 2 talk 2 me in case yur wundering yes clar im talking about u u never rispond 2 anything i say exsept if i talk 2 u on windos live u say your sick witch would b fine but i c u talk 2 other people yet u ignore me..... HELP ME UNDERSTAND
y the fuck do i still try
the folwing entrey is a essy for colige
PSI UBSETION OMEGA "You have just unlocked NESS the psi powerd youth". Little did i know it but those words would forever change my life and whe i am as a person. let let me give you a little bit more backstorey, when i was ten years old i bot a game called super smash brothers it wasa basik fighting game with all the well know nintendo caripters miro link donkey kong ecsetera how ever there was one caripter no mter how hard i tryed i could never unlock one night at a cherch gathering my cu
feeling realy dipressed