[timmyT]'s diary

32865  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-03-07
Written: (4579 days ago)

need stronger pain killers NOWWWWW

32832  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-03-02
Written: (4585 days ago)

love is such a cunfusing thing i dont understand how i can still b so hopelessly in love with someone who almost never talks 2 me ...... but i gess im just a fool i no no mater what i do ill alays love Clair

32758  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-02-17
Written: (4599 days ago)
Next in thread: 32760

I GOT FUCKING SUSPEDID SOME FAGGIT FLAGED ME TWISE 4 BULLYING AND THEN 4 COPEYWRIGHT i can get rid of the copeyright 1 but i cant get in my acount sens ihave 3 strikes

32708  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-08
Written: (4608 days ago)

guna fucking loos it

32701  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-02-06
Written: (4610 days ago)


32648  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-01-19
Written: (4628 days ago)
32584  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-01-02
Written: (4645 days ago)

i swar no 1 knows what vandlizum meens any more

32550  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-12-23
Written: (4655 days ago)

im so tiyerd not phisikley ....... every1 h8s me i cant do anything without geting a buch of shit 4 it no1 lisins to anything i have 2 say ........ people go as far as 2 incerige people 2 make fun of me................. i cant deal with this anymore

32409  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-24
Written: (4684 days ago)

computer fryd im guna b gone 4 a long time

32408  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-24
Written: (4684 days ago)

computer fryd im guna b gone 4 a long time

32373  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-11-20
Written: (4688 days ago)

i sit and watch in horer as all i love dir before me

32352  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-17
Written: (4691 days ago)

tiyerd of life tiyed of being werryd sick about people then they basicley tell me to go fuck myself

32315  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-11-13
Written: (4695 days ago)

sum1 did a vocl vertion of one of my songs

32258  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-11-09
Written: (4698 days ago)

the folowing is a storey 4 colige the reson the people have certin names is not ment 2 ofend or isallt any1 just needed names 4 them so i could hand the paper in on time they will b chaged later this is also not the full vertion

Name: Michael Thompson
Age: 12, 21
Birth: February 14, 1990, Exton City
Genetics: Blond, Blue-Eyed, Light Skin
Clothing: White T-shirt with Helicopter image, Blue Jeans, White Tennis Shoes
Story: Great-grandson of John T. Thompson, inventor of the Tommy gun and son of weapon designer, James Thompson. Lives at home with his mother Clair while his father is always off on business. because he’s by himself almost all the him he has a difficulty with taking care of himself, and one day when he’s taking out the trash and he sees a dog is being attacked by middle school aged kids being kicked, beaten with sticks, there laughter at the dogs suffering brings the kid to an intense, sudden rage he then immediately ran into his home grabbing the first blunt object he could find (baseball bat) and charging at them like a wild man swinging the bat to and fro yelling at the top of his lungs "LEAVE HIM ALOWN YOU JERKS!" the middle schools seeing this crazed child charging them with a solid wooden baseball bat these kids seeing this boy with a crazed look charging them pretty much ran away fast because A. the threat of being seen and B. its and angry kid with a baseball bat. He then sees the dog is a half breed wolf German Sheperd. And he takes him in and nurses him for a month until he is back to health then the dog returners the favor be taking a protective roll (almost parent like) opening doors for him getting him food and keeping the bullies off the dogs fur is white paws the fur black and brownish.

One day Michael was at school, a boy who Michael goes to school with named will rather pasty skinned dead in the eyes (pretty much a murder at a young age) and on this day he gets the bright idea of taking Michel hitting him in the back of the head pulling his chair out from under him and letting him hit the pavement and then making jokes saying "get up dead legs stand up come on fag when the puppy herd the scream he ran in to the school in to the back part and then the dog jumped on him knocking him to the ground scaring the hell out of him then the dog lets him push him off so he’ll take off and then the dog gets the chair next to the boy so he can climb on and then the dog stays with him till an adult comes to help him

two years following this James the boys father's gambling problem landed them in debt to the Mafia and threatening phone calls bricks in the window with notes a ached are now an almost daily occurrence. And then one night the mafia came to James home to rob him and kill only him (the boss doesn't believe in killing those not invited so long as they stay out of the way) but he’s not home that not at the time so they go straight to looting taking lamps jewelry paintings anything they can sell. Then the dog hears the commotion gets up and goes to the living room and sees these men and only sees a threat so he attacks and by this point Michael has already gotten his walker and got out in just enough time to witnesses his beloved dog murder on the floor and in this one moment all time stands still for him for what felt like years and he gets a good long look at these men there images burned into his mine his thoughts only on revenge from then on then suddenly he blacks out from a blow to the back of the hade and wakes to a doctor checking him in a hospital bed two days later and all he can do is haler the name trigger when he wakes and the doctor only shakes his head and tells him he didn’t make it. Then the images of the men reenter his head as his heart rate nearly reads critical for a boy of his age going throw the roof as he vows under his breath revenge on these men and all there kind.

The rest of his time in school is rather silent do to his depression at the passing of his dog up until his joiner and senior year ware will mocks him more than ever for the passing of his closest friend but this year he takes a shop class and while in there he’s wondering what he going to do because it can be rather hard for handicapped people to work on cars then when leaving the class room his eye is caught by a blueprint for a way to make engines smaller than the idea of modeling his own chair comes to mind then the shop teacher told him he seeing that you can’t work on cars I’ll make you a deal if you can find new ways to improve your chair for every assignment I give the other students I’ll give you an A and from this he improved his speed made the frame lighter yet stronger added improved off road potential by adding tank tread and high quality wheels speakers in the seats internal mp3 player and we must not forget the most impotent thing off all an ass warmer (that's important! you know.)

after his graduation Michael goes to his favorite restaurant the top hat and grill to celebrate and there he meets his favorite performer Jesse he tries to get his autograph and Jessie tells him to go fuck himself then a hot girl walks by and Jesse slaps her on the ass and then he learns that this woman Is the wife of a rather big and burly bicker and a bar fight ensues and Michal saves him then Jesse changes his tune and says he likes the way he handled himself and gives him a number to call if he needs money or work and later it tunes out these folks are deeply affiliated with the people who robed his home as a child. Then he hooks up with them and he’s given a job by them to kill a local Russian ranter that’s smack talking the gang on the local news then he’s given a gun and then he’s outside practicing with the gun not even firing it just getting the feel for it then he starts thinking about his life and everything he’s been though the adrenalin starts pumping the rage comes back then it’s as if he can see his target right in front of him and randomly fire the gun then the next day he hears on the news that the ranter was shot during the broadcast with a room full of people and the police can’t figure out where the shot came from because it was so far away

32254  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-11-09
Written: (4699 days ago)

feel really sick i forgot 2 set my clock and whent to class a houer erley

31789  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-10-22
Written: (4717 days ago)
31717  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-17
Written: (4721 days ago)

whats so funny about my legs

31625  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-10-14
Written: (4725 days ago)

a famis stand up comic did a revew of 1 of my songs
oly watch the 1st few shttp://vimeo.com/30397057ecints

31597  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-10-12
Written: (4727 days ago)

Advent Children Paper
Since the early 1980’s, there have been hundreds of games based on movies and movies based on video games. These adaptations can be very good, or they can be the worst thing to ever contaminate a movie screen or television set (cough cough Alone in the Dark cough cough). It is my personal opinion that if done properly, a video game based on the film adaptation Final Fantasy: Advent Children could be truly great. One drawback to this idea is the chance that since the film was made mainly to attract the attention of hardcore fans of the Final Fantasy franchise, the game could also attract only the attention of hardcore fans. One of the possible technical novelties, on the other hand, is that each playable character could have a unique gameplay style. Cloud, for instance, could have a gameplay mode similar to that of Devil May Cry, considering the fast-paced swordfights him and other characters, and he could also have sandbox/driving-type stages, going from the scenes where he rides his motorcycle from place to place. Another of his gameplay modes could be a “motorcycle duel” mode where he randomly encounters and is chased by Jenova’s gang on his motorcycle on his way between towns. The object would be to lose Jenova’s gang or knock them off their bikes. Tifa could have gameplay similar to Tekken or other fighting games, since the only thing she is ever seen doing in the movie other than talking is having a Tekken-style fight with one of the minor antagonists. Barrett would play like Gears of War, hunting down the shadow-dog creatures seen in the film. Rude and Reno, the two comic-relief characters, would play similarly to Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes. This would also make sense due to the similarity of the use of the camera before fights in No More Heroes, which is much like the use of camera every time Rude and Reno make appearances in the movie and a few other times. Vincent’s gameplay could be a lot like Cloud’s, possibly including parts where he works together with Cloud, allowing for possible multiplayer. An additional playable character could be the boy who lived with Tifa. His story could consist of him running from Jenova to avoid being re-corrupted. The game could also include several side quests for each character. Cloud could hunt down the children corrupted by Jenova and subdue them so they can safely be helped. He could also go about collecting the spheres that Jenova stole from him and have races with other characters while driving around on the motorcycle. Also, once all characters are in your party, you could have all battles done in the style of the original Final Fantasy games. Since, in FF7, characters were switched by calling them on Cloud’s phone, this could also be a method of selecting characters and their respective stages in an adaptation of Advent Children. In-game currency could be earned by selling items dropped by enemies you defeat, or by enemies that drop money when defeated. Or you could hunt down specific enemies put up for bounty throughout the towns each character visits. As is expected in an RPG, you would gain experience when you fight more and more enemies, and you could learn new moves or fighting styles.

31580  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-11
Written: (4728 days ago)
Next in thread: 31582

so fucking sick of everything sick of collige sick of every1 rideing my ass sick of my fucktardid dad lafing his ass off at re runs of friends and everybodey loves ramind and sick of being so fucking dipresd

31463  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-10-06
Written: (4733 days ago)

just when i thought things couldnt get any wers now basicley have 2 pay childe suport on my sister

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