[Jamie]'s diary

659  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-13
Written: (6857 days ago)

Still thinking about that last one...I mean seriously...when you look at actual porn, they have semi-nice sets where the action is taking place, not just the chair in front of the computer. Although I've seen that too. I remember this one issue of what was it, Swank, that my old bf had that had a guy and two girls in a dentist chair. That was creative. Let's class it up a little, people.  

658  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-13
Written: (6857 days ago)

I've been noticing that many of the photos that guys have of themselves or their dicks frequently feature some part of their computer in the background, usually the keyboard, while most photos that girls have up don't have the computer visible in them. Maybe guys are more into using their computers for sex, or they're too lazy to move away from the computer before taking that hot dick pic, I don't know. I just thought that was interesting. Personally, I'm less turned on by the pics where some part of the comp is seen. I realize that internet porn is astoundingly better than the traditional venues, videos, mags, etc, but when I see your keyboard in the pic it makes me think you might be spending all your time online wanking off (not that there's something wrong with that.) Maybe it's just me. 

653  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-12
Written: (6857 days ago)

So today Jon and I decided it would be nice to have a section in our wiki for people that we think are decent looking instead of just the usual bizarre. Tomorrow I'm going to comb through the members on this site and search for all of the people I think are good looking. I'll also keep searching for that elusive scary hairy muffy muff. Could be a busy day. 

 The logged in version 

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