As hot as that porn was, if some random old dude shoved his dick into my ass and THEN said "Is this your first time", which, it would be.
I'd tear his motherfucking stomach out.
I'd just punch my god damn fist right into him, and rip it out and squeeze his own stomach acid ONTO his fucking dick.
Fuck my mouth though, I love that shit.
Early Mornings.
Once I'm awake, I'm always in a fantastic mood.
But, once I get tired again, I'm fucking miserable.
Right now.
Epic mood.
Well, now its Deftones.
And Dandelion and Burdock.
Loves it.
Okay, need to get it out, but that guy on LadsLads is so fucking hot!
Septum ring.
All things I fucking love.
Your desperation makes me sick.
I hate you more than jackass.
I feel the bile rising.
What the fuck are you doing?
You're hotter than you realise.
And a great person.
Why are you doing that?
It's degrading and desperate.
It's offensive to the fact I cared so much for you.
I fucked someone this morning.
It was crap.
I regret it.
Why do I do stupid shit?
I despise, quite alot.
Not waking up for the fucking bus.
Ah well.
I've missed my art history lecture.
Thank god.
Jake, is not fit.
Oh what the fuck.
Repo! Isn't even playing near me.
I'll have to wait until fucking January for the DVD.
Kennedy is not happy.
Why do I get mocked for wishing Fashion was seen as what it's meant to be?
I just don't get it.
I'm a Fashion student who wants the world to see more than labels.
See more than skeletors in Gucci.
I want them to see the fact, Fashion is everything about you.
Your hair, makeup, body mods, clothing, shoes.
Fashion is the visual you.
Being different and setting a trend, is far more Fashionable, than wearing designer stuff.
Design your own damn clothes.
Do your hair how you want it to be.
Dress like a lunatic.
Be yourself.
Be Different.
I guess I'm fighting a battle that can't be won.
I have to commend [kevin and stuff] and [*ANG£L*] for taking the whole porno thing into account for their profiles, and showing themselves doing things on here and being real.
There's so few people like that on here, showing themselves as real people.
Plus, they're pictures are pretty hot!
I can easily say, if I ever get a willing boyfriend, you'll be getting some of me and him together :P
Then maybe this site will get a bit better.
I'm all for being Fake.
But Jesus.
There are some Fakers on here who ruin it for everyone.