So, I've taken to clicking random wiki.
I've learned from this new hobby, that people are retards.
How many of you idiots use Photobucket to upload porn?
What the fuck is wrong with you?!
We're on a site, that allows us to upload porn, and you do it to Photobucket.
I roll my eyes at you.
Also, what is with people having like a million wiki pages, like, seriously, it has to be pushing a hundred.
I just don't get it!
On the plus side.
Found the photo which will soon be my Pin-Up tattoo.
I already think you're bored of me.
I actually, really miss Russell.
Damn him.
Hello all.
I just created a roleplay wiki
I think anyone who loves roleplay should apply.
Because I'd really love it if it got good :D
Hello all.
I just created a roleplay wiki
I think anyone who loves roleplay should apply.
Because I'd really love it if it got good :D
So, it all makes me wonder.
Why am I not being attacked?
Let's think.
You don't know jack shit about me.
You'd have no fucking idea where to begin.
Calling me a dickhead?
Oh shit, that's so hurtful!
Calling me a queer?
Oh shit, I'd report you so damn fast for that, you'd fucking wobble.
So, you attack my friends instead.
Smart move genius.
You do realise, they're still being nice, right?
As hot as that porn was, if some random old dude shoved his dick into my ass and THEN said "Is this your first time", which, it would be.
I'd tear his motherfucking stomach out.
I'd just punch my god damn fist right into him, and rip it out and squeeze his own stomach acid ONTO his fucking dick.
Fuck my mouth though, I love that shit.
Early Mornings.
Once I'm awake, I'm always in a fantastic mood.
But, once I get tired again, I'm fucking miserable.
Right now.
Epic mood.
Well, now its Deftones.
And Dandelion and Burdock.
Loves it.
Okay, need to get it out, but that guy on LadsLads is so fucking hot!
Septum ring.
All things I fucking love.