[fetish.dollie]'s diary

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Written about Monday 2008-06-16
Written: (6114 days ago)
Next in thread: 14685

wel...monday june 16th eh?...hmmm...fuck it I KNOW WHAT TO WRITE! hehe

here's the begging (and only the begining because SOMEONE *hint* would try to steal and claim it) of a new story i'm working on...give me opinons people...

The Slave
-JosiE AngeL-

A muffled cry rang out from around her gag. Her tear stained face peering up at me, eyes full of absolute fear. I walked back towards her helplessly bound form carrying in my hands a small silver platter.

Her body wriggled, desperate to escape. “Tsk, tsk, tsk…” I clucked. “You know begging and struggling will get you nowhere my pet.” 

Her restraints, though hastily drawn up, where beautiful in their simplicity. Her hands, bound by the wrists, were strung high over her back, another rope bound from her elbows to her torso wrapping of course, around her exquisite breasts. Her legs spread eagle and tightly constricted by chains to the legs of the table on which she was perched, perfectly displaying her round, dimpled ass. Her neck wound in another coarse rope that was looped through the previous pulling her head back so that she could gaze upon nothing but the exposed rusty pipes of the basement ceiling.

 The logged in version 

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