[fetish.dollie]'s diary

16198  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-11-07
Written: (5971 days ago)
Next in thread: 16199

he got suspended from work... so i invited him over to smoke some blunts wit me. ((he and my ex were friends and worked in the same department at work. we'd never hung out without my ex there.)) ANYWAYZ....

on the 5th i heard he got "fired" and texted him inviting him over to get him crunk because i had the next day off. and he all of a sudden asks me if im getting some (then apologized for being rude lol) and said that he's wanted me since the first time he saw me and hed been haning out with kenny (more then most of the time) just to get eyeloads of me and talk/chill/smoke whatever...

((protip: this guy is goregous, funny, (had until a few days ago) a steady job at my workplace lol and ive been in love with his eyes since the first time i saw HIM so its this whole...forbidden..fruit......thing....*blushes*))

so yea i have him over that night and things........progress....we smoke two blueberry chronic blunts back to back.....

we wound up kissing......urgently......and um...*hides behind her mass of burgandy curls*

but i wound up saying no....

last night he almost just threw me over and had his way with me...yes seriously it was that intense and he could hardly keep his hands off of me


14839  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-07-03
Written: (6097 days ago)
Next in thread: 14846, 14850, 14856

if you lied to a chick the day you met...about some fairly important shit...then had a one night stand((sexy, hott, raunchy, bathroom sex...yes i know it may be tough for you to picture me doing this...lol jk)) and said goodbye around 2 or 3pm the next day...if you bothered to keep her number for 5 months and called her up wanting to date((not only date, but MOVE 200 miles to be with her-met him out of town at a concert-)), would it just be a ploy to get more free sex, or would you not bother unless you were serious?

i mean he even slept in our hotel room ((in a chair cuddled up with me because there wasnt any more space)) when he could have easily stolen all our shit and gone home ((we were all on acid))
then went out and spent the day with us the next morning

i have no idea....the fucker has a very monotone voice and is almost impossible to read...give me opinions

14781  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-06-24
Written: (6106 days ago)

These are just a few thoughts and questions that have been floating around in my head…feel free to not take them seriously…just the absent minded ponderings of a confused and lonely little girl…

• Is it wrong that I feel left out because I’ve never been snatched up and kissed deeply in the rain?

• Is it wrong that I put on a confidant front, but am actually quite scared and insecure?

• Is it wrong that Jim Croce songs are so sad and romantic that sometimes they make me cry?

• Is it wrong that I feel down when I think about a man brushing the hair out of my eyes, lifting my face up with his fingertips under my chin, and kissing me lovingly and sensually…and how I’m jealous that its never happened to me?

• Is it wrong that when I look out at a crimson and lavender sunset, I get all teary eyed because I have no one to share it with?

• Is it wrong that the words “every time the time was right all the words just came out wrong” ring so true?

• Is it wrong that every time I get into a fairly decent relationship, I’m still unhappy at times because he’s not prince charming?

• Is it wrong that sometimes I get so frustrated and lonely that I stop believing in love, and then one day I meet someone, and I turn into a doe eyed little girl again, ready to believe in anything?

• Is it wrong that the songs “Some Body’s Baby” by Jackson Browne, “There’s Something In The Way She Moves” by James Taylor, and "This Time" by Bryan Adams make me wish there was someone around to sing about me?

• Is it wrong that I want an angel of music, to stay beside me, to hold me, to guide me?

• Is it wrong that the words “lets just be friends” break my heart, but as of late I can’t stop saying them?

Ah well…I could go on but this (like usual) is getting a little melodramatic, so I’m going to stop…

……………………see you in the funny papers……………………


14666  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-16
Written: (6114 days ago)
Next in thread: 14685

wel...monday june 16th eh?...hmmm...fuck it I KNOW WHAT TO WRITE! hehe

here's the begging (and only the begining because SOMEONE *hint* would try to steal and claim it) of a new story i'm working on...give me opinons people...

The Slave
-JosiE AngeL-

A muffled cry rang out from around her gag. Her tear stained face peering up at me, eyes full of absolute fear. I walked back towards her helplessly bound form carrying in my hands a small silver platter.

Her body wriggled, desperate to escape. “Tsk, tsk, tsk…” I clucked. “You know begging and struggling will get you nowhere my pet.” 

Her restraints, though hastily drawn up, where beautiful in their simplicity. Her hands, bound by the wrists, were strung high over her back, another rope bound from her elbows to her torso wrapping of course, around her exquisite breasts. Her legs spread eagle and tightly constricted by chains to the legs of the table on which she was perched, perfectly displaying her round, dimpled ass. Her neck wound in another coarse rope that was looped through the previous pulling her head back so that she could gaze upon nothing but the exposed rusty pipes of the basement ceiling.

 The logged in version 

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