[Toravisu]'s diary

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Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6819 days ago)

Sex Test (How good are you at sex?)
Start at 50 and add or substract points as stated for each statement that applies to you...

+Above 50 means you are not so good in bed..and not so fun
+Below 50 means you are real fun and damn good in bed ;).

AFTER you're done... put your name at the bottom, along with your score.

Copy this and post your own bulletin!

-Add 10 if you are a virgin. (I'm a virgin, lol.)

-Subtract 5 if You have had sex before. (the above answer answers that i've never stuck my dick in ANY pussy)

-Subtract 5 more if you have had sex with more then 5 people. (Nope, never)

-Add 5 If you have never had oral sex. (never had this either...yea, call me lame, but i'll break your god damn neck fucking asshole)

-Subtract 5 if you have had or performed oral sex.(NOOO)

-Subtract 2 if you have had sex in a public place. (NOO LOL)

-Subtract 3 if you have done 69. (NOOOO)

-Add 5 If you have never had an orgasm. (Oh yea, I have orgasms all the time...Lol...im serious.....just ask ppl that know me..or well..anyway LOL!)

-Add 5 If you cant name 3 types/brands of condoms. (um..Trojan....fuck If I know..LOL!!)

-Subtract 2 if you have masturbated. (Yea, prolly about 14 times in one day before was my max...but weekly, beetween...17-23 times? >.> thats like sometimes maybe 3-5 times a day...when im majorly depressed LOL!.....but usually i range 1-2)

-Subtract 3 if you have fingered/ given a handjob to someone else(Sortive, but no cigar.).

-Subtract 5 if you have used someone for sex [one night stand]. (lol, NO.)

-Add 5 if You have never seen someone of the opposite sex naked. (Not fully no...well, besides porn that is.)

-Add 5 if you havent kissed more then 3 people [unrelated]. (Nope, only one girl.. and it was on may 30th 05, when I was 17..)

-Add 3 if you havent been kissed in the past month(Haven't been kissed since march 14th).

-Add 2 if you have never masturbated. (Oh yea, just add those two..god no take them the fuck away ~_~ )

-Add 5 if you have never seen or watched porn. (Watched it probably when I was about...9-10 yrs old...with like older cousins..maybe I was 12-13 I dunno..doesn't matter..)

-Subtract 5 if you have made your own porn. (NO.)

-Subtract 3 if you have participated in anal sex. )NO)

-Subtract 2 if you have used lube duiring sex. (no..)

-Add 5 If you cant remember your last perverted thought.(Um....licking pussy, just now..before that I dont know, probably had to do with this nude pic on this girls pro..why?)

-Subtract 5 if you have used sex toys. (NO)

-Subtract 3 if you have had a perverted thought in the past hour. (Yea I have!)

-Subtract 2 if you have kissed someone of the same sex.(NO.)

(Bitches you do the math, it says I got an 83...but who cares lol, girls. Hey I'm like not used much!...>.> basicly new? and im 18..so yea LOL!!..)

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