[Toravisu]'s diary

3682  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6819 days ago)
Next in thread: 26696

Body: Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.

Guy: No, this is fun.

Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!

Guy: Then tell me you love me.

Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!

Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.

Girl : *hugs him*

Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.

Girl: Alright, now slow down

Guy: I love you babe

(in the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived.

The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

If u love any one this much re-post this ....and....the love of your life will relize they feel the same .... DONT BREAK THIS . 2morow will be the best day of your life.
However, if u don t post this by at least 12:00 tonight, you will have bad luck in your love life 4 the rest of your life.

Repost under "Do You Love Someone this Much."

(I read this thing a very long time ago, hit's me right to the core..I love it, that guy, if that was real...man he should be brought back to life by god, cause thats so beautfiul..and no I am not gay, nor do I have a problem with gays...as for girls who consider themselves bi but say (Fuck off guys) yea I do, they should just accept there fucking pure lesbo's LOL!)

P.s. This makes me think of my ex...the story..not the whole lesbo thing LOL!

3681  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6819 days ago)

Sex Test (How good are you at sex?)
Start at 50 and add or substract points as stated for each statement that applies to you...

+Above 50 means you are not so good in bed..and not so fun
+Below 50 means you are real fun and damn good in bed ;).

AFTER you're done... put your name at the bottom, along with your score.

Copy this and post your own bulletin!

-Add 10 if you are a virgin. (I'm a virgin, lol.)

-Subtract 5 if You have had sex before. (the above answer answers that i've never stuck my dick in ANY pussy)

-Subtract 5 more if you have had sex with more then 5 people. (Nope, never)

-Add 5 If you have never had oral sex. (never had this either...yea, call me lame, but i'll break your god damn neck fucking asshole)

-Subtract 5 if you have had or performed oral sex.(NOOO)

-Subtract 2 if you have had sex in a public place. (NOO LOL)

-Subtract 3 if you have done 69. (NOOOO)

-Add 5 If you have never had an orgasm. (Oh yea, I have orgasms all the time...Lol...im serious.....just ask ppl that know me..or well..anyway LOL!)

-Add 5 If you cant name 3 types/brands of condoms. (um..Trojan....fuck If I know..LOL!!)

-Subtract 2 if you have masturbated. (Yea, prolly about 14 times in one day before was my max...but weekly, beetween...17-23 times? >.> thats like sometimes maybe 3-5 times a day...when im majorly depressed LOL!.....but usually i range 1-2)

-Subtract 3 if you have fingered/ given a handjob to someone else(Sortive, but no cigar.).

-Subtract 5 if you have used someone for sex [one night stand]. (lol, NO.)

-Add 5 if You have never seen someone of the opposite sex naked. (Not fully no...well, besides porn that is.)

-Add 5 if you havent kissed more then 3 people [unrelated]. (Nope, only one girl.. and it was on may 30th 05, when I was 17..)

-Add 3 if you havent been kissed in the past month(Haven't been kissed since march 14th).

-Add 2 if you have never masturbated. (Oh yea, just add those two..god no take them the fuck away ~_~ )

-Add 5 if you have never seen or watched porn. (Watched it probably when I was about...9-10 yrs old...with like older cousins..maybe I was 12-13 I dunno..doesn't matter..)

-Subtract 5 if you have made your own porn. (NO.)

-Subtract 3 if you have participated in anal sex. )NO)

-Subtract 2 if you have used lube duiring sex. (no..)

-Add 5 If you cant remember your last perverted thought.(Um....licking pussy, just now..before that I dont know, probably had to do with this nude pic on this girls pro..why?)

-Subtract 5 if you have used sex toys. (NO)

-Subtract 3 if you have had a perverted thought in the past hour. (Yea I have!)

-Subtract 2 if you have kissed someone of the same sex.(NO.)

(Bitches you do the math, it says I got an 83...but who cares lol, girls. Hey I'm like not used much!...>.> basicly new? and im 18..so yea LOL!!..)

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