well almost died today and recked my car.....mom and dad are still mad too...
well now I am hurt and don't ask please....just scared and worried but I will be fine in time....I just have to figure our a lot of stuff though and I don't think anyone can help though
my dad got is blood work back soon and he didn't have a heart attack but there going in next week to get some work down but I will have more info as the time goes on
my dad gave me some bad news last night his cheast was hurting yesterday its his heart there is some blockage and we was alreadly going to the doctor today so he went early to get blood drawn he works with hearts all the time so he should know
his father(my grandfather)died when my dad was 10 from a heart attack
Nother song video love both and I miss the anime
I feel sorry for cloud though
love 3 days grace, and its a FFVII video too
nother 3 days grace and FFVII video
I found this and thought it funny hope you all like it too