[Silver Ikarii]'s diary

19374  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-07-30
Written: (5421 days ago)
Next in thread: 19375

Woot! Nekko gave me a ride home! I didn't have to walk in the rain. And because I am so happy I'm going to give everyone a free hug!!! *hug*

(By the way, Josh is a pedo-fag)

19363  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-07-29
Written: (5421 days ago)
Next in thread: 19364

Ughh... I'm at school and I have class in 40 mins. I'm sleepy and I have to walk home after class because my dad refuses to pick me up after a fight we had ... but I live 22 miles or more from the school... walking is going to be a bitch... oh and to make it worse my phone is dead and Nekko is in Denver so he can't come pick me up... I wish I could drive sometimes. 

19335  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-07-27
Written: (5423 days ago)

Nekko is no longer made which is good. Now i'm just have trouble getting a hold of him. Does anyone know where he may be?

19322  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-07-27
Written: (5423 days ago)
Next in thread: 19330, 19332

GGGRRR!!!! I'm such A fucking dumb ass!! Why am I so stupid?
I have to write a 5 page essay about puppy mills for class and reading 50 different pages about dieing dogs is breaking my heart. I was so sad I couldn't think straight so I sent a message to my boyfriend about his mom and now... he's mad... really mad...
Why did I do that? I didn't want to make him mad I didn't know what I was doing. That probably doesn't even make sense! How could someone not know what they were doing!?
I feel like I can't talk to him right now... he probably doesn't even want to talk to me right now...

19205  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-07-22
Written: (5429 days ago)

  I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a dream about Nekko's mom calling me and asking me if me and Nekko would like to to go to her new house for dinner. For some reason I said okay. (for all of you who don't know, I hate Nekko's mother) When we got there saw that she was living in a huge house. We walk inside and saw Keith and Max standing there. (Nekko's brothers) Keith, who is 22 was wears a blue waste coat with gold buttons and white slacks (something you would see from the Victorian area) and Max, who is 8 was wearing a red waste coat with black slacks.
  After saying our hellos we looked to the stairs to see Nekko's mom Michelle. She was wearing a big green and white dress. When she came down she handed us each a gift. She said "I thought you both needed some new clothing, so I did some shopping." then she sent us to separate bathrooms to change. Nekko came out of the bathroom first wearing a blue waste coat with silver buttons and black slacks. When I came out I wasn't wearing a nice dress or skirt, I was in a long maroon sweater that went past my knees with an apron.
  I tried to tell Nekko that I wanted to go home but before I could say anything he said "this could be fun!". Michelle then handed us each a script. Nekko's and Keith's scripts were the same. Max's script said "only speak when spoken to". Mine said "do not speak. Do not treat Nekko as a lover, treat him as if he were your boss for you are now a maid". Nekko asked why we needed scripts.
  "I invited some friends over for dinner, they are very rich! so we must act rich" she said.
  Later the family came over and had dinner while i had to stay in the kitchen. When they finished I went out to get the dishes. While collecting dirty plate i noticed the rich couple had a son my age and he was staring at me. I smiled at his and grabbed his plate and took the dishes to the kitchen. The family stayed at the table to talk while I started washing cups and bowls. That the table the son of the couple ask where the bathroom was. After Nekko pointed a bathroom out to him, he got up from the table. But instead of going to the bathroom, he came into the kitchen.
  That's when my dream got fuzzy and before i knew it i was being raped in my dream by the boy. I cried out and Nekko heard me from the dining room. he got up and ran to the kitchen. He opened the door to see the boy having his way with me. Nekko grabbed the boy and through him across the room and into a wall. He then hugged me close to him and asked if i was okay.
  I woke up after that.. I have some really fucked up dreams. Message me if you can tell me what this dream means!   

18999  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-12
Written: (5438 days ago)
Next in thread: 19009

This wouldn't be the first time I've been called a bitch by both my perants, and it's not the first time I've been told I was mean to my sister. However I feel different this time. I almost want to ran away from her hoping she could find someone better than me and call them sister. Saddly, that will never happen. I am her only sister, I should be there for her... but... I wish it wasn't me...

 The logged in version 

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