[Death's Hellhound]'s diary

32398  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-11-23
Written: (4559 days ago)

Rant time Number 3 (yes I'm turning my diary into my personal soapbox slash bulletin board bite me)
The last two episodes I've discussed book series that were turned into movies now I'm moving on to a slightly more important topic. Yeah a lot of you are not going to like what I have to say but fuck it.Today I'd like to talk about holidays. Spefically in America. My British friends can tune out now if they want to

I hate Thanksgiving. Pure, blunt and simple. To me it represents the worst of all American ideals. I mean if you want to go the first thanksgiving Indians and Pilgrims route it might possibly be stretched to be a holiday about freedom but as I've said it's a stretch. I'm with Wednesday Adams (yes of Adams Family sue me) in her veiws. It's more about Gluttony and Rape. Because let's face it we destroyed the Native Americans culture, raped their land and their women at times, and of course tried very much to kill them. Plus there's whole stuffing our faces thing. I mean honestly folks don't you hate yourself just a little after Thanksgiving? Now I'll admit I have other slightly less sane reasons for my pure hatred of this holiday but those are simple why I don't celebrate it. Now unto the next major holiday. That's right I'm taking aim at Christmas. I personally love this holiday to a certain extent. I love getting gifts and I love giving them. Many of friends are receiving hand drawn pieces of my work but taking a more objective and less greedy point of veiw wow are we selfish. Christmas is supposedly (Christian roots aside I'm being nice and not going there) about giving and the spirit of family. I'm sory since when is spending several hundred dollars on your family the spirit of giving? How much did you spend on that toys for tots thing? Nothing? You have money? SHAME. Now I'll admit I don't like family, a lot I even hate but this year I'm suffering through Christmas with my family because it's not about me it's about them. I can't really say much about New Years. It's not really a holiday it's more of a yearly event than anything else. However I along with many others HATE Valentines Day. Now a lot of my reasons similiar Thanksgiving are crazy and unreasonable however let's go to the most basic reason. Those who are single feel like they are failing as people if they do not have someone. It also serves to point out how very lonely you really are. Me, personally I've nothing but bad luck on this particular holiday but I will say this. For a celebration of love it seems awfully selfish. I mean one love should celebrated year round and not shoved down people's mother fucking throats. Two why do we buy candy stuffed animals etc for this particular holiday? On to Easter. I do not know why we as Americans who are all for religious freedom insist upon making a CHRISTIAN holdiday a major holiday I kind understand Christmas. Hannukah and Ramadan fall around the same time and New Years as well. But really Easter is again about Gluttony pure and simple. Now unto my least favorite holiday and I can say whatever the fuck I want. I'm Fourth of July baby and yes the holiday celebrates our freedom but what the fuck is with this habit of blowing shit up and ignoring others. As a holiday baby I am forced to make excuses for people who really don't deserve them. Honestly and I'm talking to those of you who have a relative born on a holiday if going to ignore us on our birthday just don't talk to us. It's fucking stupid how many members of my family DON"T know my birthday it's a national fucking holiday you get the mother fucking day off. I speak for me and several others who have Christmas, Valentines Day Easter Halloween etc as our birthday. I like Halloween sorry that's all I got to say

32392  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-11-22
Written: (4560 days ago)

Heh it's Rant time!

Anyhow last episode I discussed the popular book/movie series Twilight and I figured in the spirit of fairness and equality I'd discuss that beloved series Harry Potter. First let me make this clear my opinions are entirely biased and my own I make no excuses or apologies. Now unto the fun part

Harry Potter is the story of a boy in England many stupid American forget this minor but very important fact I mean since fucking when are there real castles in America? I want one! *ahem* Anyways up until the fifth book Ms. Rowling actually had a beautiful well written story I give her kudos. Then she started killing more and more characters I mean was it really fucking necessary to kill Dobby and Hedwig ya bitch? Anyhow her series suffered from the unfortunate fact that she believed that all of her readers were growing up with Harry. WRONG! I myself did so yes I matured as the series went but not all of us did. Now unto the final straw because it's what really pissed many of us loyal readers off. WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP WITH KILLING HALF THE FUCKING CHARACTERS!? Grand total in the last book she killed Hedwig, Dobby, One of the Twins, Tonk and Lupin (bitch move there) and countless others. Okay Neville finally discovers he has a spine whoopty freaking Doo that doesn't excuse the half assed writing in the book. Yeah Ron's always jealous of Harry OF COURSE he is but did she really have to make Ron a prick in the last book. I mean yeah Harry's being an ass he always is he's a fucking teenager and tell me being famous wouldn't have turned you into an ass at that age I dare you. Nonetheless then to make matters worse she KILLS Harry. Okay that's one way to do it but WHAT THE FUCK WAS WITH THE RESURRECTING HIM?! God damnit woman if you can do that to Harry why the fuck not for the others? Grrr pisses me off. Finally I don't know how many of you brave souls that managed to finish the books read the epilogue but if that was written by Rowling boy was it ever a mistake. The story was OVER. O.V.E.R . Now unto the movies I've actually seen which would be the first three and the last of the eight. Yes I say eight. I give the studio some credit their characters match the actors well. Well with a few exceptions *cough cough* Neville *cough* Now clearly the fame went to most of the younger actors heads *cough cough* Emma Watson *cough* but I will give them they did what they had to just it wasn't good some things should never be made a movie. However I will say this what happened to Harry being broody and emo he's more of an ass in the movies than the books Ron is a jackass and Hermione isn't a know it all at all. No notes for Draco he's a slimy coward. Sigh

32367  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-11-19
Written: (4563 days ago)
Next in thread: 32368

Twilight Rant if you're going to be offended...get the fuck over it

Twilight being the current popular movie must be addressed. First It sucks. End of story. But The reasoning behind this is quite simple. Edward the main vampire is a sparkly whiny emo bitch. On top of that he is a creeper. Unlike Buffy's Angel who makes his fears he does not have a soul seem important and reasonable Edward makes his seem like yet another whiny emofest. To top that off there is Jacob the depending on the book you read werewolf skinwalker thing. Two things he's a pedofile and he's just as whiny and emo as Edward. In fact if you put the two together you'd get one emo tastic male. Not that I'm saying being emo is bad but c'mon people there is a limit to emoness. And there's the whole creepy facination with Bella's daughter. And then there's Bella. The Mary Sue of Twilight. She's so average and so unappealing that every male in the book without some female leash wants her. Excuse me? Is that dumb or what? Now let's address some of the more interesting fails of the books. Don't get me started on the movies you won't like what I have to say. Anyways there's the fact that what exactly Jacob is changes from Twilight to Breaking Dawn. I'm sorry but that is fail. Additionally I don't care if your vampires are Daywalkers but why the hell do they sparkle? Please please tell me? Cuz really it seems like one more way to make them stupid. Additionally, vampires are dead. Not a little cute half dead possibly dead whatever. No they're dead so Bella being alive and Edward being dead brings up two questions one I think we all wanted to ask. How the fuck did Edward get it up in the first place? Two How does a dead thing sire a child? Anyone? Anyone at all? No. Good. Let me break this down for you. Edward being dead can't get hard in the first place and his sperm has been dead for YEARS so Bella either screwed the pooch, or Stephanie Meyer is a moron. I'm willing to take either answer. However this also brings about the movie. I know I said I wasn't going there but I have to. First Robert Pattison has played two important roles that I know of. I'm sure he has played others. One as Cedric Digory who gets killed and two as Edward. He does so much as Edward but he is not attractive. In any way shape or form. I have some respect for Taylor Lautner because he is well an actor. He manages to be sexy despite being in Twilight. And then there's the chick who plays Bella. I will say this. Average sure. Attractive. No. Anyhow the movies don't exactly fallow the books but they too suffer from the really syndrom. I mean Edward looks like someone threw glitter on him. I thought it wasn't possible to make Twilight stupider I was mistaken. From the previews of Breaking Dawn Part 1 it has not only gotten more emo and whiny but also suffers from the piss poor dialoge of the books. Now I will point out I'm old school. Dracula was an excellent book. A little dry but good. It actually drew off the myths of vampires. Interview With A Vampire was interesting intense and never gave me the feeling I was reading a bad soap opera. While Buffy was yes a bad soap opera it still managed to be more realistic than Twilight. Albeit the vampires aren't eerily attractive all the time they are blood drinker and dead something I think Stephanie misses. Also there is a game many of you probably haven't heard of it. If you have you're my hero. The game is called Vampire the Masquerade. I'll also accept Vampire the Requiem althought I hate the system. Anyhow Vampire the Masquerade accepts that perhaps vampires aren't cookie cutter dupilcates. One of the few things Stephanie actually got right. However vampire are dead. None of them can go in the sun. Also none of them sparkle like a damn disco ball. Additionally I have read the Sookie Stackhouse series and they got some things interestingly wrong. However here's something Stephanie got so wrong it need pointed out. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH VAMPIRES BEING VENOMOUS THEY"RE NOT SNAKES! Ahem sorry but I found myself wanting to burn the books. Fortunately or un they weren't mine.

32321  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-11-14
Written: (4569 days ago)

I'm thinking I'm going to be absent from fake for a little while clear my head so if you need me in the next couple of days I will be giving certain people my cell number

32282  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-11-11
Written: (4571 days ago)

Announcements for all former players of Wolves of Hell Clubhouse


Sorry I've just had no less than three people come up to me and say we could use this wiki. Great good wonderful sure that's great but fuck it all here's a list of reasons why they don't work.
First the wiki Kirai made. IT"S F-ing pass locked! I am leaving the new wolves of hell wiki open to the fucking public! The whole point is so that it's fun and easy going
Second I don't give a flying FUCK if Mystik already has his own rp wiki it's not mine I can't edit it and after this last bit of trouble I'm sticking with one that I know won't get ripped out from under my feet for something idiotic like the main creator leaves, gets pissy or something stupid

That being said

White Wolves of Hell Officially opens today. Feel free to add your names to the membership list your former rank what have you, please be respectful of others

32270  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-10
Written: (4573 days ago)

Okay, here's the deal I went to the hospital yesterday having an allergic reaction to a sulfa med. They kept me over night sent me today. Additionally I have a low white blood cell count which they think is PART of my drug reaction but they still want to make sure.

32242  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-11-09
Written: (4574 days ago)
Next in thread: 32252

Announcement for all former players of Wolves of Hell Clubhouse

Due to the former owner decideding without consulting anyone that if her wiki was not her veiw she was closing it we are currently suspending the rp. Never fear I will be rectifying this situation very soon. However I would pose a question if we're having fun why the FUCK should it matter if it is a "biker" werewolf rp or a simple werewolf Rp
32241  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-11-09
Written: (4574 days ago)
Next in thread: 32264

Yay my friend [shadowstarwolf] is okay

32215  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-11-08
Written: (4575 days ago)
Next in thread: 32216

Why is it people think I'm joking when I say something? It could be as simple as I'll be your friend or as important as I'd sacrifice my beating heart for you

32214  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-11-08
Written: (4575 days ago)

Why is it people think I'm joking when I say something? It could be as simple as I'll be your friend or as important as I'd sacrifice my beating heart for you

32116  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-11-04
Written: (4579 days ago)

Just cuz I said I'll be there forever doesn't mean I won't smack you upside the head when you piss me off
Just cuz I said forever doesn't mean I'm your punching bag
Just cuz I said forever doesn't mean you'll like what I have to say
Just cuz I said forever doesn't mean I'm above bitching you out
Just cuz I said forever doesn't mean I'm going to be nice all the time
I'm human and I'm proud of it. When I say I'll be there forever I mean I'll defend and protect you but that doesn't mean I'm always going to be your friend. Don't get the two confused

32094  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-03
Written: (4580 days ago)

I created the Sound of Madness.
Wrote the book on pain.
Somehow I'm still here,
To explain,
That the darkest hour never comes in the night.
You can sleep with a gun.
When you gonna wake up and fight... for yourself?

I'm so sick of this tombstone mentality,
If there's an afterlife,
Then it'll set you free.
But I'm not gonna part the seas
You're a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You think that crying to me,
Looking so sorry that I'm gonna believe,
You've been infected by a social disease.
Well, then take your medicine.

Sound of Madness, Shinedown

32093  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-03
Written: (4580 days ago)

I used to care. I used to give a damn, but now I'm just filled with a certain level of rage. I'm tired of chasing family and friends who could give less of a fuck if I stopped breathing. Enough is enough. My wedding party is going to be filled out with FAMILY people who have stood by me since I was young and not strangers I haven't seen in upwards of five years. Additionally I have officially decided to stop trying so fucking hard to stay in contact with my bio dad and certian other people that just don't care

32066  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-11-02
Written: (4581 days ago)
Next in thread: 32067, 32085

So due to situations in my life I went to the doctor turns out I have staph and they put me on antibiotics which make me sick to my stomach

32000  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-31
Written: (4583 days ago)

yes there will be pictures of me in costume as always when I get them taken. As promised to those who are in the know of my life I am being a black cat (lol) I was lazy so really you'll have to forgive me for being busy with more pressing matters such as trying not to kill my mother

31922  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-10-28
Written: (4586 days ago)
Next in thread: 31923

Still not officially back

In other news to add to my technoligical woes at 0300 yesterday, my power went out it did not return until 1900 hours today. that is for those of you that are mathmatically challenged 39 hours without power. It snowed which is why the power went out therefore it was cold. I am displeased with this and in pain. Anyone who annoys me will feel my wrath that is all

31921  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-10-28
Written: (4586 days ago)

Still not officially back

In other news to add to my technoligical woes at 0300 yesterday, my power went out it did not return until 1900 hours today. that is for those of you that are mathmatically challenged 39 hours without power. It snowed which is why the power went out therefore it was cold. I am displeased with this and in pain. Anyone who annoys me will feel my wrath that is all

31851  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-25
Written: (4589 days ago)
Next in thread: 31853

Still not back BUT

Five Finger Death Punch played in my state recently I couldn't go but my beloved boyfriend went and brough me back their signatures ^^ I'm so loved

31832  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-24
Written: (4590 days ago)

Marpsy - that's me for those of you who can't read- is having major computer issues so hang tight guys I'll be back soon - hopefully - meantime -this one is to a few people in particular- my wiki's will be down or limited interferance. Also Mystik STOP FUCKING SENDING INVITES TO MY FUCKING WIKIS! ESPECIALLY TO ME! thank you. Also please be paitent with me on updating certain rps and such like I'm a busy woman

31732  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-10-19
Written: (4595 days ago)

*ahem* I am bad need of competant rpers for my wiki Wolves of Hell Clubhouse werewolves only

31723  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-18
Written: (4596 days ago)

vertraut Kindheit Gebete
Worte hohl wie die Kirche
Verspricht dass wenn du gut
Gott wird Ihnen für Ihre bösen vergeben

Gottes sündigen kleinen Lügen
Du bist nicht böse, er ist
öffnen sie Ihre Augen an die dunkelstein Worhrheit
Blutige Kriege haben seinem Namen gerführt worden
Sünden der Gewalt und Leidenschaft geleat zu seinen Füßen
wie Angehote von Blut

vertraut Kindheit Gebete
Worte hohl wie die Kirche
Verspricht dass wenn du gut
Gott wird Ihnen für Ihre bösen vergeben

Das Angebot der Blutfeck die Schritte seines Schrein
Wie die gierigen Aztec Herren
Eine traurige Dunkelheit liegt über alle
Aber die meisten in Ihren Sünden durchdrugen
Blutflecken den Händen dieser
Was sie als Sünden als Ihren Gott

vertraut Kindheit Gebete
Worte hohl wie die Kirche
Verspricht dass wenn du gut
Gott wird Ihnen für Ihre bösen vergeben

Das blut an den Händen wird niemals wegwashen
Anlich wie die Sünden ihres Gottes
Blut der Unschuldigen geopfert
Auf den Steten Ihres Blutes hungrigen Herr
Keine Tranen sind für ihren verlust Schuppen
Denn niemand versteht die Sünde von Gott
Gott mehr sündigen als seine Anhänger
versprach der Dunkelheit des Blutes

vertraut Kindheit Gebete
Worte hohl wie die Kirche
Verspricht dass wenn du gut
Gott wird Ihnen für Ihre bösen vergeben


 The logged in version 

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