new pics coming soon
yes im making an appearance again through diary.things are tough right now jobs are hard to find i have had 12 interviews out of the many ones i have applied for they say something along the lines like "we would love to hire you!...But,we have already filled the positions that were open at may...if you come back september..."I Dont Wont To Be stuck in virginnia that fucking long!! i love my family but i hate this state if worse comes to worse ill make do here.i want to go back to oklahoma so bad and i want things to get better for scott and i...i wish he would talk to me more often but ill is getting a surgery on her back her syatic nerve is being pinched in her spine.bad thing is the Garden we have is huge and Everything is comeing in and its alot of work for just my father and i its cutting in to my studying time for both driveing and math....its stressing me out and i wish i could talk to scott he makes me feel better talking to him like he gives me energy to battle through tough situations.but i have to be alone i have to do this by myself i wont always be able to get help from ppl when i want so i have to keep going by myself.....its lonely....its depressing....
ok i know i havent been on its because i been focusing on things ive neglected like getting my math ged and getting the balls to get a driver's permit and to change you all know typing in my diary helps and getting responses from you all helps too.i been living with my parents for about a month now...and i been depressed for a month reasons are my fiance is now my ex and i love him so dearly ad wish hope and pray we work things out i hope im not his friend forever o.o right now we are.....*cring
and i have a debt to pay my bank here and the one in oklahoma and scott and my parents.i plan on buying my 20 guage back from him he bought it for me and sice we arent together i feel its right i buy it from him or trade my 9mm to him ad ay for the differance for the 20 but i dont know im not even the heck am i going to pay for a lace and work ad go to school too....he did say he was going to let me stay at the house and go to school and my part time job was going to be for food or things i needed i dont kow i dot know whats to come theres so many futures playing i my head ad theres only 2 or 1 layig in my head that i know if i do what im supposed to do things will fall in place and everyone will be happy.(sorry for the misspellings and no caps and all the mothers lap top keys are not working right and i have little time to type anything.)
im so tired and so scared....I want him back....but I know I have to wait and let him sort things out for hisself ......I hope he tries with me one more time....I know I can saw Friday night when I was with my friend spending the night and that was the same night I stoped her bf from beating on her I got a little bit of a busted lip and a sore eye I tought it was bruised.but anways My mom saw the grown up me .....un till she when on with a speach “its not fair to you that he goes out and have a good time” I wanted him to go before we furthered the relationship I wanted him to have fun ya know a final bash before we talked about marriage but of corse mom is paranoid and made me get paranoid and I got freaked out by my friend’s bf fighting me.
I need to vent im tired of crying I wish I can sleep in my bed last night the guest room was leaking and by my head I was ok but I wasn’t ok with the bugs in the bed I got bug bites on me >< ....but ill be ok I hope scott sees the change im going through my hope is that he doesnt send me to va and we work this out together we both invested a lot of time in the relationship and I hate for it to be just thrown think my me lack of eating and the sickness im going through is a false pregnancy or something I think its stress but when I get my money in the bank im going to get a pragnancy test just to get a piece of mind and to shut mom up.
I know I need to grow up wether or not im in scotts life but I know if I get one more just one more chance things will be better and differant for the best .I been praying lately last time I prayed over scott and I we got back together and it was so scared.....the most adult thing to do is not spend so much time on here and gets things done around the house keep myself busy and leave scott alone give him time to think but I will ask only questions I need to know like today I need to do more laundry and get the pile of clothes down and put clothes away and ill study alone the best I can.and I will try and eat something the past few days I am barely eating the thought and smell and sight of food makes me nerves are makeing me sick......I need a multi vitamin to keep my body working far its just a mess and if I have to go to the bathroom at work jim and tammy beat on the walls and door so I cant relax and “do” my buissness...we
these are the things a dom and or dominatrix and or mistresses or masters DO NOT DO!
The following acts are excluded, and are NOT negotiable:
Any type of barbarism
Extreme pain
The following acts are optional and require the slave's written agreement:
Iron marks
and flat out abuse of any kind because a appy and well treated and taken care of slave is a good and happy slave give them a reason t be obidient...unl