Isn't this the truth?
Why Can't I Own a Canadian?
October 2002
Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Laura penned by a east coast resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them:
When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?
I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyest
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted fan,
(Imagine singing this traipsing little ditty in you head with morbid, maniacal grin on your face...kind of liek the Ginger Cat from Alice in Wonderland!)
goes the clock
Counting down the time
Counting off
the minutes left
Until we lose
Ourselves in Death
So rest in Peace
The worms will feast
Underneath the Hands of Time
Found this, raised an eyebrow, and started laughing hysterically. Why? Because I can relate to this....after all, I'm a gamer!
Gamers Make Pope Angry. You Wouldn't Like It When He's Angry.
A few weeks ago, Pope Benedict XVI hopped on the bandwagon of videogame haters. During a World Day of Communications address, His Holiness called the violence and sex in games "perverse" and "repulsive."
With the Pope now on our case, does this mean that all gamers are doomed to an eternity of hellfire, brimstone, and Superman 64? Today we explore a few ways to appease The Vatican while still enjoying our filthy, sinful pastime.
Some of you may be asking if this news is really that big of a deal. Just about every public figure and armchair moralist has condemned video games by now, what difference would it make if the Pope jumps on the pile? After all, the Pope is just one man (albeit with an excellent choice in hats). What does it matter if he says games are bad?
The answer lies in the Catholic Dogma of Papal Infallibility. That basically means that the Pope is never wrong, about anything, ever. When he says something, about anything, such as "2+2=5" or "Uwe Boll is a fantastic filmmaker" then that becomes law and you better fall in line or face the consequences.
So if the Pope is mad at you, is it really all that bad? So what if the Pope doesn't like videogames, it's not like he's going to come and take them from you, right? Unfortunately, history says otherwise. Much like Mr. Biggleworth, when the Pope gets upset, people die! The Crusades, the Inquisition, and Mark Ecko's Getting Up stand as examples of what happens when you cross the Pope. And while he might not have as big of a posse as he did back in the day, he's still pretty formidable.
So how can we continue to enjoy the hobby we all love without having to worry about the Pope and his crew getting all up in our business? PG's Eternal Damnation Avoidance Bureau have compiled a few surefire ways to take the heat off of gamers (and put it back onto the movie and music industries where it belongs).
Step 1: Watch your Character Alignment.
The first step to convincing the Pope that we're not all sociopathic, meglomaniacal murderers is to stop playing as sociopathic, meglomaniacal murderers in our games. In games like Fable and Knights of the Old Republic, you can choose to either play as a law abiding, altruistic do-gooder or a malicious cold-blooded criminal. Now most people will pick the evil character. It's not entirely their fault, the bad guys always have the cooler moves and better looking gear. If you were given supreme powers, would you rather cast dopey healing spells or call destruction from the heavens with arcane magic?
Unfortunately, playing the evil character, no matter how cool he is, will put you right on the Pope's naughty list. You have to resist the dark side and always play as the goody two-shoes (only Lawful Good characters for all you D&D players). This means always helping the simple villagers with any and all mundane fetch quests they foist on you. No stealing or lock-picking, no matter how many rupees or cool stat-boosting items you have to forgo. And most importantly, absolutely no wanton murder. Killing random NPCs for your own amusement may seem like a good idea at the time, but if the Pope catches you, it's curtains.
Of course, killing, stealing, and other assorted mayhem is perfectly acceptable if you're doing it in the service of good. Mario stomping Goombas left and right may seem like cruel genocide to the untrained eye, but he's really just doing it to save the princess and stop Bowser's evil machinations. So remember, if the Pope sees you engaging in some random acts of violence, be sure to tell him that you were just doing it to save the Mushroom Kingdom.
Step 2: Decoy Games.
Nobody is going to believe that you're not some sort of crazy murderer in training when your game library is filled with violent-soundi
To score even more points with the Pope, head on down to your favorite local retro gaming shop and grab a copy of the unlicensed NES game Bible Adventures. Bible Adventures was a simple platforming game in which you performed tasks like fetching animals for Noah's ark or fishing baby Moses from out of the river. It isn't a terribly inspiring game, but it will certainly impress the Pope. There is no possible way the Pope and his goon squad could take away your precious games if you're sporting a copy of Bible Adventures.
Rare Game Alert!: If you're looking for both a way to get the Pope off of your back, and another rare game for your collection, be on the lookout for Super 3D Noah's Ark for the SNES. This game was an early model of a First Person Shooter that ran off of the Wolfenstein 3D engine. Instead of butchering Nazis, however, you were simply feeding hungry animals. This game is notable because it is one of the few unlicensed SNES games to ever see the light of day. (What is it with religious games and blatant licensing violations?).
Step 3: Go Old School.
If you really want to throw the Pope and his morality police off of your case, try not to play any games made after 1985.
Back in the glory days of the Intellivision and Atari VCS, graphics were so primitive and game premises were so simplistic that it is often difficult to tell at first glance what you were really playing. You could be playing one of the hardcore pornographic games that the Atari 2600 was famous for, and it would look the same as if you were playing a harmless sports title. This was because technology was not very advanced back then. Most early games relied more on imagination (which, according to our scientists, was some sort of illicit drug that has thankfully been nearly eliminated) and plastic overlays for your TV, than any graphical prowess for storytelling. The next time the Pope comes snooping around your house, simply dust off the old Colecovision and throw in your copy of Zaxxon, he'll be so confused by the archaic technology that he probably won't even think you're playing a videogame.
Rare Game Alert! Part Two!: Speaking of naughty old Atari games, one of the most famous examples of the genre is Custer's Revenge for the 2600. In this game you star as the infamous General George Custer, as he attempts to do dirty, dirty things with a Native American girl. Although this wasn't the only X-Rated 2600 game, it is the most well-known. This might be because of its "storyline" or because it stars a somewhat famous historical figure. Either way, while we acknowledge the collectible value of this game, we suggest that if you must buy it, be sure to keep it someplace where the kids (and the Pope) won't see it.
Those are just a few of the PG tested, Pope approved ways to keep your games and avoid eternal damnation. However, if all else fails, you can always just do what everyone else did and simply repent. While we certainly don't condone violating Papal edicts, it's nice to know that there's a way out if you accidentally get caught playing Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Roughly? "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
So remember kids,
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange æons even death may die
Because the secret priests will take great Cthulhu from His tomb to revive His subjects and resume His rule of earth....Then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom...
This song by Breaking Benjamin makes me cry every time I listen to it...And when I mean everytime? I mean...Every..
A small collection of the many internet acronyms we see....Any I missed? Send me it, along with it's 'translation' and I'll add it!
(NOTE: I do not want the little random things like IK for I know, and the like. If the acronym is used repeatedly, then I will put it in)
LOL- Laugh out loud
LMAO- Laughing My Ass Off
LQTM- Laughing Quietly to Myself
AFK- Away from Keyboard
BRB- Be Right Back
STFU- Shut the fuck up
LMFAO- Laughing my Fucking Ass off
ROFL- Rolling on Floor Laughing
LARP- Live Action Role-Play(er)
MMORPG- Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
ROTFL- Rolling on the Floor Laughing
GTFO- Get the Fuck Out
MF- Mother-fucker
TMI- Too Much Information <------I seem to hear this one a lot from people
FPS- First Person Shooter
W/E- Whatever
N/M- Nevermind
WTF- What the Fuck
WTFWJD- What the Fuck Would Jesus Do?
OMG- Oh My God(s)!
WOOT- We Own the Other Team
TTYL- Talk to You Later
TTMF- Ta-ta Mother fucker
IDK- I Don’t Know
B/F or G/F- Boyfriend or Girlfriend
MYOB- Mind Your Own Business
TCFPWASATOSMP- The Council For People Who Are Sick and Tired of Seeing More People
If you EVER say you are Goth, then you are proclaiming that this is who you are. It doesn't mean "I'm dark and morbid and write poetry that replicates my looks", but instead holds a different meaning entirely, and it may not be what you expect. Do your research, and know what you are saying...
The Goths (Gothic: Gutans) were East Germanic tribes who, in the 3rd and 4th centuries, harried the Roman Empire and later adopted Arianism (a form of Christianity). In the 5th and 6th centuries, divided as the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, they established powerful successor-stat
The Visigoths were one of two main branches of the Goths, (the Ostrogoths being the other) during the fifth century. Together these tribes were among the Germanic peoples who disturbed the late Roman Empire during the Migration Period. A Visigothic force led by Alaric I sacked Rome in 410. Honorius granted the Visigoths Aquitania, where they defeated the Vandals and by 475 ruled most of the Iberian peninsula.
Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished in Europe during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture.
Originating in 12th-century France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as "the French Style" (Opus Francigenum), with the term Gothic first appearing during the latter part of the Renaissance as a stylistic insult. Its characteristic features include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttress.
Gothic is an extinct Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths. It is known primarily from Codex Argenteus, a 6th century copy of a 4th century Bible translation, and is the only East Germanic language with a sizeable corpus. All others, including Burgundian and Vandalic, are known, if at all, only from proper names that survived in historical accounts.
Thusly, if you say you are 'Goth', you are saying you are A.) Part of the Germanic people that invaded Rome, B.) Are a style of building, or C.) a dead language.
So, what are you?
Here's my rant for the month.
If discrimination is considered bad here on earth, then shouldn't it be considered bad in heaven? The answer is...
Yes. And everyone who disagrees will be pointing out that God is the root of discrimination and thusly not a diety worth worshipping anyway.
Point being, either you are wrong because the God in religion is wrong, or you are wrong because you yourself are discriminatory
Either way, 'Being tender knows no gender'.
Okay, I need to speak up about something that has been bothering for some time yet.
What is with these wide-rimmed trucker-style hats, sporting the big, golden sticker or the smaller, less obvious silver sticker? Can anybody tell me what the purpose of the stickers are? Because for the past six months, every 'preppy cool' guy I've seen has this gigantically - disproportione
On another note, what is with the piercings everywhere and the 'gauging' of one's ears? I was walking through my work the other day and I nearly walked into a woman who had two studs through the bridge of her nose, a bull-style nose ring, a nose stud, three piercings through each eyebrow, three lip piercings (Left right and center on her bottom lip), two piercings on her upper lip, and below her lip, above her chin, were two gigantic fang-shaped piercings that hung past her chin. My assumption? To make her look either like a dog or a vampire. She failed at both, if that was what she was going for. Ah, and let's not forget about the fifteen piercings she had on each ear.
This is the norm for today's generation, correct? Wrong. This woman was in her late thirties, early forties, complete with wrinkles and too much make-up. I honestly wanted to ask her why she was dressed for Halloween so late in the year, but wanting to keep my job made me hold my tongue.
But this proves my point! Why do you want to pierce FORTY DIFFERENT PLACES on your body, when, as you grow older, you will either remove them and end up looking like a punctured volleyball, or keep them in and look like a complete retard? There simply is no basis for it, and 'cultural heritage' or some such excuse does not apply here. It's a fallacy, and you know it!
But this also applies to ear gauging. I understand that you want a bigger, cooler earring in your ear, I too had my ear gauged A LITTLE to fit in the one I wear now. The earring is three times the thickness of a needle. Difference? Not noticeable. But I've seen people that don't WEAR EARRINGS! They simply put in these curious little wheel-shaped objects that keep their earlobe open. I guess so that when the wind whistles through it and makes music, they can listen to it.
AND THEY KEEP GETTING BIGGER! There was a man I stood behind in line this past week and he had a gauger in his ear that was so large, I swear it to you on my life, that I could stick my finger in and out of it a dozen times, without touching any of the sides once. He didn't notice, even while I did it, but the cashier was laughing hyterically. I had to stop when he turned around and glared at me, but I was already laughing to myself and didn't care. To say the least, he wasn't pleased. But do these morons honestly understand the consequences of their actions? What are his grandkids (God forbid) going to say?
"Grandpa, why do you have a huge hole in your ear?"
His only plausible response SHOULD be:
"I was a freakin' retarded kid and shoved wheels into my ears to make myself 'cool'"
Anybody see the lack of sense here? Anyone at all? If not, euthanasia is the medication I prescribe for you, as well as a deep drink from a shotgun barrel. People like this are ruining the collective intelligence of our species and are dragging us back into the primordial goo we worked so hard to crawl out of, just as rap and wannabe 'gangsters' are doing the same.
And so, in closing, I need to say this. If you do any of the above? Stop. You look stupid, and the half of our species that see past your false-bravado bullshit know how pathetic you really are. Why? Because you look like the village idiot from the Medieval times, with more expensive 'brand-name' clothing than your predecessor did.
If you are dating someone like you see above? Dump his ass. He's a punk, and all that layered sweetness he puts on to charm you and your giggly friends is just a facade he uses to get into your gullible pants and to get him laid. Eventually, you WILL feel embarrassed to be out in public with him, or you'll demand the offending objects removed and the holes sewn shut.
If I have offended anybody that has read this, I will not apologize. I have seen so much of the stupidity running rampant, I fear that it may be viral. Instead of taking offense, perhaps you should learn from the statements above, and take the proper course of action necessary to either smarten up, or rid yourself from the world in a very visually appealing manner. i.e. Cliff diving without a parachute or playing chicken with a train. The manner in which you dispose of yourself doesn't bother me, just the evidence that you did it right and aren't going to limp away, breed, and spread the idiocy onto the next generation.
Now that I have vented my frustrations with today's youth culture, I'm going to go read a decent book, eat a delicious meal, then take a nice bath and imagine that the ineptitude of so many people will eventually cleanse the stupidity 'Darwin Awards' style, to be published later for our amusement.
Thank You,
A Proud Homophobe is the same as a Naive Child
They are both uneducated, foolish, full of opinions, misinformation
I just pittered through some wanker's house who's only picture says 'Straight love is the only love.'
This comes from somebody whose family, forty-fifty years ago, probably were at the hate rallies condemning interracial marriages.
In essence, people need to shut up. This pedantic dweeb is proud of being a bigot, and a homophobe, and makes it clear that he enjoys such disparaging titles. Do you know what I think? Bullshit like this is passed down through the media and through direct sources (i.e. parents and grandparents). This self-proclaime
But about that. Straight love is the only love? That's essentially categorizing love; that's not possible. In the end, you would have to marry people so they match. Same skin color, same hair, eyes, height, weight, eyebrow length. If you did anything BUT drag this categorization of love down to this extreme, you are being hypocritical, and I will stand by, and back up, this proclamation.
'Boy + boy + girl + girl'
A boy can love another boy as much as a girl, and girls can love girls as much as they love boys.
There is nothing wrong with it. In a nutshell, love is nothing more than a biological chemical combination that is released into the brain and body to stimulate reactions to the object of your interest. MEANING: It doesn't matter if your getting aroused seeing your girlfriend undress, or that cute boy in the locker room pulling his shirt off. It's the SAME chemicals, no matter what.
So, to say it's wrong is opinionated foolishness that, as said before, holds NO basis in reality. To say that it is the ONLY love is close-minded. People who hate other people for loving another person, same sex or no, are merely screaming out their lack of self-identity, and are pitiably worthless. They merely want to draw attention to themselves in order to spread their plebianic views into a world of people who either love them for their forthright knowledge (second-hand knowledge, as a matter of fact, that is also woefully inaccurate), or people that hate them for their lack of compassion, understanding, and sense of humanity.
I will make this clear. If I offended you because you are a homophobe; GOOD! GROW THE HELL UP! This isn't the inquisition people, it's the 21st century, and shit is changing! Time to get past your neo-religious ideals of self-modeled perfection and learn to live with what life has dealt you. So the boy next door likes to kiss boys, then fucks them from behind in a pleasurable night of lovemaking. What's it to you? Are you injured? No. In danger? No. Anywhere close to being in a position that will require you to protect your own life, possessions, and family? No.
Your being anal-retentive
Posted on www.craigslist
And, as a note, and I swear to this, if you read the message below and STILL are mad at me for wanting this place shut down, I will (if we have one) cut off our friendship, and label you as a sadist to everyone you know. You have no idea how intensely, aggressively against cruelty to animals I can be, and if you can still cheer for these people after all of this, I will hate you. End of story. I'm no PETA freak, but what they do is just sick and wrong and I will back my point up.
Project Rex: First-Hand Experience
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here
Date: 2007-12-02, 1:43AM MST
I worked for the Project Rex shop. I can tell people firsthand what it was like for me. I was given the job of cleaning kennels. My pay was started as minimum wage. 6.85, right? No, the owner started me at 5.50, last years miminum wage. When confronted with the fact that the minimum wage had risen, he argued adamantly, saying that no bills were in order for any minimum wage hike. I was underpaid for nearly three weeks, but didn't argue lest I lose my job over it. As I mentioned before, I was hired to clean kennels. That is it. After two days, I was informed that I was needed to also 'clean the back room'. This was a seperate room where the sick or violent animals were kept out of sight. Since I've left they no longer use this room to house animals, but when I worked during the summer there was no air-conditioni
Sadly, people promote this shelter because it's 'no-kill'. This, coming from people who don't see the puppies as I did, eight or nine furry puppies standing knee-deep in their own excrement. These people didn't watch as I was told, by ALL THE EMPLOYEES, that to keep the puppies under wraps I must stick all of them into a carrier. Those eight or nine puppies? All forcibly placed into a cat carrier, slightly larger than a medium-sized television set, and left in there until we had finished cleaning their pens. Remember how long it took? Yes, three hours. No food. No water. Cramped. Unbelievably hot. Cruel.
And about the food and water. Until they had their store-room renovated (slightly), it was beyond disgusting. Bugs everywhere, food all over the floor. And they kept open bleach and disinfectant bottles RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOGFOOD AND BOWLS. I'm sorry, what? I thought bleach and disinfectant were notably TOXIC to living creatures. Or am I just crazy?
So, ignoring the fact that there are far too many dogs for the store to hold. Ignoring the inhumane treatment of the animals. Ignoring the poor cleaning job that is consistantly applied to their homes. Ignoring the fact they've failed far too many examinations and refuse, whenever possible, to be inspected. Ignoring the fact that people have picketed their store and left angry messages that the puppy or kitten they 'saved' from them, has recently died because of a disease contracted while staying there. Ignoring the fact that I had to lift a nine pound puppy out of it's kennel, which was literally over-flowing with diarrhea and urine, and found that when I cleaned it's paws I find that standing in it's own excrement for so long has literally eaten the pawds off of the puppies paws, leaving them bloody and raw.
If you can ignore all of these things, all of the sadness and pain these poor animals suffer day to day, hoping to be picked up by a good family only to die days after they find them, then there is something undeniably wrong with you.
'No-kill' shelter doesn't apply to this house of death. I have seen these people. They are not outright cruel, they are not evil, they are just regular people who love animals. But they can't afford it. They don't have the time or the staff or the facilities to do it. The fact of the matter is this:
I've worked there. I went home and cried so many times after spending my day with those darling little animals, seeing their hopeful, glittering eyes filled with love at seeing someone that will give them a caring pat on the head. And then I see the sores on their paw pads. The feces smeared and dried into their fur. The stench of urine. The whines of a puppy who can't walk because it's paws are bleeding. The passing glint of hopelessness in the older dogs eyes, the one who has resigned itself to living in a four by three foot box until it dies.
I can say, with all certainty and without pause, this place must be shut down. The humane society would be a better place for these animals. There is the chance they will get euthanized, but at least the animals aren't standing in their excrement for hours on end or dying from a long, drawn-out illness they get from standing in it. A quick end would be a better end than what I feel many of these animals are getting.
If you can still congratulate this shelter for being good or think that it's worth the risk, I feel naught but pity. And not for the heartless people who would rather let the animals suffer than put it down to ease it's misery. It's for those poor puppies. The kittens. The rabbits. The guinea pigs. The ferrets. All of the animals that are in this shelter. Seeing these poor animals and knowing that many will die, out of sight and stowed away in this oppressive place...
If this doesn't break your heart as it did mine, then I urge you. Work for them as I have. Spend three weeks doing a half-a**ed job cleaning their pens because you don't have time to do better. Hold the whimpering puppy close to you, covered in feces, and whisper that it will be alright, that it's all okay. Go in the next day to find that the cage that puppy was in is now empty because the puppy you held close to you died the night before because of the infection it got from the sores on it's paws being covered in poop all the time. Put your face in your hands and sob quietly as I did for the little nameless puppy who will never see a good family...
Work for them, work where I have worked, and then see if you have the audacity to make comments like 'saying this shelter is bad is unfair'. If you still can, you have no heart and have no place being near a shelter of any kind...Just as this building has no right ot be a 'shelter' for anything living.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Here's the skinny on what's up and what will be, so shut up your noise tubes and listen with your ears!
I WILL NOT be on for while. Think couple of weeks to the sad part of a months. DO NOT YELL AT ME FOR THIS! I am not responsible for this. Apparently Comcast deemed it fit to make my families bill $170 this months for the television and internet combined, when it's only supposed to be eighty dollars for phone/cable/AN
Lots of love and the best of yiffings,
Nekko Fox
The Gamerz Sonnet
An ode to you Gamerz
With your skills on display
We all stare in awe
At your gruesome replay
Of your masterful win
Your bloody defeat
These games are a sin
But a wonderful treat
They keep us amused
They teach us of life
They teach of explosives,
Of killing, and strife
They teach value in virtue
But praise evil as fun
It makes us all experts
With a tank and a gun.
So here is to Gamerz
With your skills unsurpassed
With your stockpiles of gold
And your armies amassed.
To your so-steady hands
And your unblinking eye
We sing out to you
The God's that won't die.
If you want the truth about Christianity, I suggest you check out this link! Keep an open mind, or you WILL be offended by the truth here.
OH MY GODS! I just got back from NDK (Nan Desu Kan), the only anime convention in ALL of Colorado! IT WAS AWESOME! This is the first time I've EVER been to ANY kind of convetion, but OH MY GODS! I LOVED IT! I took a hundred bucks with me...not NEARLY enough to buy everything I wanted! I got the 16 and 18th Naruto books (I skipped 17 by accident ;_;), the first Gravitation book, and the sweet Yaoi manga Almost Crying. CUTE! ^_^ And Yuki is a bitch >_>. I also got a fun NDK badge that has my name on it and an ominous anime character in a cloak on it. Then I BOUGHT two more badges! One that has a girl with big boobs who's wielding a stake. There's a censorship strip over her nipples and she's saying "Help Slay Censorship!". At the bottom it states 'HENTAI OTAKU'. I also got one of this adorable cat boy who's biting his own tail (KAWAII!) and it says 'I <3 CATBOYS!'. Then I blew the rest of my cash on figureens. I got a Spike Spiegel figure, from Cowboy Bebop, Sephiroth, from Final Fantasy, and some unknown chick wearing nothing but a bikini and a see-through shift. I also found a nifty earring! Then I got a bunch of introduction manga booklets (about a fourth of a manga each). As a note, Spike cost 25, Sephy cost 35, and the girl cost a little over 10.....It was worth every penny. And oh my gods, I tried Mochi for the first time, and I practically lived on Ramune and Pocky. AND THE PEOPLE! Weirdoes just like me were EVERYWHERE! And everyone was smiling, everyone was laughing, people were hugging strangers, and there was someone from EVERY anime! I actually filled up my ENTIRE card taking pictures with my digital camera. I even got a picture of me getting spanked with a Yaoi Paddle! FUN! AND THEN THERE WAS THE RAVE! There was a rave at Midnight! Everyone danced, everyone had glowsticks, and I hugged so many people, and we were all sweating, and so many people were stripping off there shirts! OH GODS! It's like the kinky cat boy sex fest! Why, you ask? Here's the scene. A guy, maybe nineteen, has two balls. They glow gree. When he swings them about on the ropes they are attached to, they shift colors to orange, then blue, then red, and yellow, then back to green. Awesome! And he is going to TOWN while raving with the things! He's awesome! Oh, and did I mention he's sweaty, half naked, and wearing adorable cat ears? So I run up to him after watching him for ten minutes and scream, "Oh MY GOD! YOU are SO CUTE! Can I get a hug?" His response, which was prompt and immediate, was "OH FUCK YEAH!" So I hugged him. A lot. Tightly. He was all sweaty, reeked of sexual pheremones, and was cute to boot. To say the least, I was very happy (and aroused) when I went back to my girlfriend and smiling like an idiot. We then raved, dirty danced, and grinded (ground?) for the next hour before we had to leave. Anyway, if you have ANY questions about my first anime con, Please Ask!
A compilation of my stories.
After School
an anthro's wet dream
An Anthro's Wet Dream 2
An Anthro's Wet Dream 3
Love and Artwork
New Experiences
I like to be taken advantage of. I like to be knocked to the ground and pinned there with my arms over my head, held in an iron grip while my legs are forced apart and body violated. I like being pushed to my knees and having my hair gripped tightly, then being forced to suck a boys cock, or lick a girls tight, wet cunny, until either the boy cums all over my face, muzzle, and into my mouth, or the girl screams and drips her juices down my chest fur. I like to be slammed against the wall and my arms grabbed and held behind me, my legs kicked open, and having my tailhole pounded over and over again until I scream in pain and pleasure, me cumming all over the wall as the person behind me releases a hot jet of their seminal fluid in my bottom....
Yes, I am a very kinky boy....