what is it with guys.they think that a woman is just going to punch them in the face if they say one thing wrong.all women arent like that.but you won't know until you ask.just get some balls and ask them ok.i mean my god we dont expect to know all the answers.and we dont expect you to know all the answers.but we do expect you to have to balls to talk to us like we're a girl not some whore you meet off the street.we are not your whore and we are not your slut so all the guys who message us girls saying will you fuck me or do you want to see my 12 inch dick.go get a fucking life and treat a girl with some respect.
i feel so alone.i want to tell him how i feel,but idk how and i dont know he would react.why cant life be easy.i might as well die then life will be really easy....sounds like a good idea to me.