Time to update this I suppose.
Well things have been going well for myself and my family. My ex-boyfriend is still trying to get in my good graces, which I find very amusing. My sisters are doing well with what they do. My mother is doing well with her job, still trying to figure out how to use some simple enough programs (Photoshop and create a website).
I would give anything for my family and they know that.
Currently I'm working two jobs, trying to make things better for myself, and even though I love both my jobs, they do get stressfull at times.
Being a waitress has it's perks, being able to go out and spend money after work because of tips is amazing.
I love watching movies, it just depends on the time as to how much I want to watch a movie vs. watching TV.
My all time favorite movie has to be "The Green Mile" followed closely by "Crash" which is followed by most any other movie. Like I said it just depends on my mood as to what movie I want to watch.
Well that is all I can think about for now.
Except if you have anything sexual you wish you request from me I suggest taking it to my boyfriend [
Deleted user] before you bring it to me. Keep in mind any message you send me saying you have asked his permission will be verified with him before I reply in any way.
I also do not have any messengers so I suggest not asking me for them. Nor do I have any pictures of myself so deal with what you get when you see pictures on my page :)