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2006-04-06 20:43:48
Last author: skullhead
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[piccolo sorcio]

[flying dutchman]


[*Tied up in stockings*]







[Master Of Puppets]

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2006-01-23 [WENTOFF]: huh.. i dont understand?

2006-01-23 [Master Of Puppets]: ok now i´m confused too. what don´t you understand? if you don´t mind me askin that is

2006-01-23 [WENTOFF]: lol its was a reaction on Cameronius.. not you ;)

2006-01-23 [Master Of Puppets]: oh ok

2006-01-24 [piccolo sorcio]: lol.. well Tomas said he was leaving Fake.. I don't want him to =( Oh well.. Thanks [Master Of Puppets] =) *hugs you*

2006-01-24 [Master Of Puppets]: *blushes* no prob

2006-01-25 [piccolo sorcio]: oooooh... =D I love thee *hugs* and thee 2!! *hugs [WENTOFF]*

2006-01-25 [Master Of Puppets]: m´lady thou honors me such with thy hugs

2006-01-25 [WENTOFF]: lol dont go classic you! :P :P

2006-01-26 [piccolo sorcio]: lol.. c'mon hun! it's fun.. and you can learn a lot from [Master Of Puppets]. he's like.. *sigh* a gentleman. and you.. well.. I don't know exactly what you are... BUT i DO KNOW I LOVE YOU!!! *kisses you all over*

2006-01-26 [Master Of Puppets]: tis a side of i barely show. but the ladies love it. i thank you for the compliment m´lady. and i love talkin like this

2006-01-26 [Draconius]: so another gentleman here as well, *bows* thats a site to see now a days. there are only a hand full of us left

2006-01-26 [piccolo sorcio]: that is so great =D I love guys who talk like that!!! It's so.. *sigh* I don't know.. makes me feel like I'm a lady in the middle ages.. and men were supposed to bow and take off their hats for women in that time =D

2006-01-26 [Draconius]: thats kool, I really enjoy the time of the middle ages and sometimes like to get dressed up and walk around like that its kind of why i have a big thing with swords

2006-01-26 [piccolo sorcio]: yeah.. I love the dresses the girl whore back then =D they were so beautiful!!! as you can read now in my diary I saw this beautiful corset in the store this afternoon, and I was so in love with it!! *sigh* just like in middle ages.. corsets.. (they make you thin, so I have to love them) takes a lot of fat away from me.. lol

2006-01-26 [Master Of Puppets]: i wish i lived in the middle ages. i would probably be a brave knight protecting my kingdom from invaders.

2006-01-27 [Draconius]: that would be kool I would just be a wandering swordsman going from town to town

2006-01-27 [piccolo sorcio]: I would love to be a lady of aristocracy..

2006-01-27 [Draconius]: yeah and you would be known around the world

2006-01-27 [piccolo sorcio]: I'd love that =) And I would have to most perfect man in the whole world.. who'd never hurt me.. Then I would never feel heartbroken

2006-01-27 [Master Of Puppets]: and i would be thy brevest knight protecting thee and thy king formm all evil

2006-01-27 [WENTOFF]: And i will be the lady charmer.. the Romeo of the Castle ages.. :O  The men who breaks hearts. :P  and if i had enough of all those women, i went searching for the right one,... who didnt go on my looks but my charactership

2006-01-29 [piccolo sorcio]: someone like me huh? lol.. Hun.. I'm really sorry about everything that happened.. Will you please, please forgive me? I still love you =) You still mean a lot to me.. I want you to be happy (with all the women in the middle ages you can have) really.. I just don't want you to forget about me..

2006-01-29 [WENTOFF]: ive send u a mail..

2006-01-29 [Master Of Puppets]: i think it is imposible for anyone to forget about you

2006-01-29 [Radio_Active]: hehe

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: thank you.. I'm so glad I still got you! He's not here anymore, so I can say (without making him mad) that I just hate it what he did to me.. I know, my diary is Dutch, but a simple and short translation is: "I hate it that you kissed with a girl 2 days after we broke up. That's just a f*cking mean thing to do.. I feel like trash. Just throw it away and get something new. And he even started something with a girl who has done this before.. The first time we broke up. But then it took 4 days.. (not long either) but they DID kiss and had something... I really, REALLY hate this girl right now.. And I'm really mad at Tomas too.. I feel so goddamned alone. *cries till her eyes hurt*

2006-01-30 [Master Of Puppets]: *hugs very tightly*

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: thank you so much.. I'm so glad I still got friends who'll not let me down!! *hugs back*

2006-01-30 [Master Of Puppets]: i will never let you down never ever

2006-01-30 [WENTOFF]: ik ben hier nog steeds.. gewoon af en toe checken of iemand mn wiki bezoekt of wattan ook.. ik dacht dat je et voor eens en altijd goed wou maken.. nou dan moet je hier echt mee stoppen mujde, en niet doorblijven gaan.. als je echt huilt waarom zet je het dan tussen sterretjes neer? wat wil je ermee berijken? ja en je bent blij dat je nog vrienden hebt die je niet in de steek laten? ik laat je ook niet in de steek als vriend hoor.. bedankt :(  ik ben gewoon bang dat we alleen maar kunnen ruzien, omdat jij mij nooit zal vergeven, en ik gewoon door wilt gaan...  Je moet mij haten en niet lisanne.. ik ben tenslotte degene die hier nadenkt over dingen tog? 

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: ik haat je niet Tomas.. en ik weet dat ik jou ook wel als vriend zal houden.. echt waar.. Maar ik vind het eigenlijk een kutstreek van jullie allebei.. Jullie hebben SAMEN gezoend, en het was er niet 1. want dan zou de ander het tegen gehouden kunnen hebben. Zij is zelf een meisje. Ik dacht dat zij het wel zou begrijpen hoe ik me zou voelen als je nu al weer een ander zou hebben, maar blijkbaar heb ik het dus verkeerd ingeschat. maar ik wil gewoon zeker zijn dat ik jou niet zal verliezen als vriend, en daar ben ik gewoon zo bang voor. dat als je straks serieus bent met Lisanne, dat je mij helemaal vergeet. En dat wil ik niet...

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: Ik wil echt zó graag vrienden met je zijn, en ik wil niet de hele tijd blijven denken dat je voor haar zal kiezen en mij niet meer wil zien ofzo...

2006-01-30 [WENTOFF]: Lieve mujde als we vrienden willen zijn zal je me moeten loslaten als je vriendje.. ik snap best dat je je heel kut voelt. begrijp ik ook..  en nee ik zal je nooit vergeten.. want we zijn nu vrienden ok.. ik denk dat ik gelukkig ben en kan zijn met lisanne, en dat is wel wat je wou ofniet? dat ik gelukkig ben?  ik wil ook dat jij gelukkig bent.. serieus ik geef heel veel om je..ik wil je echt helpen door een leuke jongen uit te kiezen voor je :D hihi :D maar ik KIES ook voor lisanne nu.. maar ik wil je wel altijd zien.. zelfs nu nog wil ik je helpen.. ik wil je steunen.. maar moet je wel willen meewerken, anders gaat het gewoon niet snapje? ik hoop gewoon dat je ook gelukkig bent oke?

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: weet ik. ik weet dat jij waarschijnlijk ook wil dat ik gelukkig ben, maar dat ben ik niet op het moment oke? En jij en Lisanne zijn daar de reden van... Dat weet je heel goed.. ik wil ook wel dat jij gelukkig bent, maar ik denk dat je gewoon even had moeten wachten..

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: ik hoop gewoon dat je weet dat je me hier heel erg veel pijn mee hebt gedaan, en dat het niet echt helpt om me verder te laten gaan..

2006-01-30 [Master Of Puppets]: oh private conversation

2006-01-30 [piccolo sorcio]: it's ok.. =)

2006-01-30 [Master Of Puppets]: ok then

2006-01-30 [WENTOFF]: dat weet ik en het is ook niet de bedoeling.. maar ik kan je daar niet bij helpen.. en als je dat probeerd om mij via sneaky manieren dat duidelijk te maken, tja dan weet ik het niet meer hoor.. ik krijg per gesprek dat wij hebben sterker de indruk dat je niet meer om wilt gaan met me.. en ps heb jij me nou geblokkeerd???

2006-01-30 [Radio_Active]: ehm, jullie weten dat ik NL ben toch?

2006-01-30 [WENTOFF]: jup

2006-01-30 [Radio_Active]: oki :)

2006-01-31 [piccolo sorcio]: neej, ik heb je niet geblokt lieverd =) (en dat wist je ook al =P) En ik wil nogmaals het spijt me zeggen voro wat er vanmorgen is gebeurd.. Sorry.. Ik was gewoon weer zo dicht bij je, en het voelde zo vertrouwd, en ik mis je zo ontzettend.. Maar.. Ik heb ergens iets van: zo erg vond hij het niet. Want anders had je me allang weg kunnen duwen.. En dan is "ik ben in de war" geen goed excuus.. Ik heb net gelezen dat mannen die dat zeggen (dat ze in de war zijn en dat ze niet weten wat ze precies willen) daar geen last van hebben.. Maar dat ze eigenlijk moeten zeggen "Ik ebn emotioneel nog niet toe aan een vaste relatie" klinkt misschien heel gek, maar ik kan je het stuk wel sturen al je wil..

2006-01-31 [piccolo sorcio]: En wat er ook gebeurd en hoe boos ik soms ook op je zal zijn.. Ik ben dan misschien boos en doe stomme dingen, of zeg stomme dingen.. dingen waardoor jij misschien ook weer boos wordt op mij.. Ondanks dat, wil ik dat je weet dat ik nog steeds blij met je ben en dat ik altijd van je zal houden en om je zal geven.. af en toe heb ik inderdaad gewoon een knuffel alleen van JOU nodig..

2006-01-31 [piccolo sorcio]: -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- en knuffels!!!

2006-02-02 [WENTOFF]: Dit is ook een manier om contact te houden muj.. ( ff ander onderwerp )

2006-02-02 [Radio_Active]: juist, erg appart

2006-02-02 [Master Of Puppets]: i still dunno what you are talkin about. i´m lost...

2006-02-02 [Radio_Active]: I don't know if I can tell you, but they broke up.

2006-02-02 [Master Of Puppets]: duh i know that.she told me herself

2006-02-02 [Radio_Active]: oki

2006-02-02 [Master Of Puppets]: indeed. and acording too her it´s the 3 time

2006-02-02 [Radio_Active]: darn, I didn't know.

2006-02-02 [Master Of Puppets]: yes it is bad

2006-02-02 [Radio_Active]: yup

2006-02-02 [Master Of Puppets]: indeed. but let us not talk about sad things ok?

2006-02-02 [Radio_Active]: nope :)

2006-02-03 [piccolo sorcio]: ok, lets talk about nice things ok?

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: Yes, we will

2006-02-03 [Master Of Puppets]: good. hey Müjde you know the link you have on you´r house to my wiki? change it to the main page(twisted fairytale) so ppl can know where to join. also i had a strange dream with you in it last night

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: ow dear

2006-02-03 [WENTOFF]: Oh a new lover :D Lol

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: darn, I miss again..

2006-02-03 [WENTOFF]: lol

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: sure would like to know what kind of dream

2006-02-03 [WENTOFF]: Nah, maybe i dont want 2 know, hahaha... :P

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: hehe depends huh

2006-02-03 [WENTOFF]: Jup

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: hehe

2006-02-03 [Master Of Puppets]: it was a normal kind of dream. nothing naughty happened on my dream

2006-02-03 [Radio_Active]: hehe okay

2006-02-04 [piccolo sorcio]: I want to know!!! And you Tomas.. STFU!!! *hugs and kisses you* lol.. Someone can have a dream about me WITHOUT sexual things in it =P Lol... *loves you still*

2006-02-04 [Master Of Puppets]: STFU? ain that what john cena uses?lol

2006-02-04 [Radio_Active]: my dreams mosly go about an date I have with the girl I like

2006-02-04 [Master Of Puppets]: interesting. i used to have those too

2006-02-04 [Radio_Active]: few, I'm not the only one

2006-02-04 [Master Of Puppets]: indeed you are not

2006-02-04 [Radio_Active]: cool

2006-02-05 [piccolo sorcio]: I had that a few years ago.. But you know what's strange. I had those dreams about boys I didn't date or something.. But when I started to date Tomas, I only had 3 or 4 dreams with us in it (marrying) but I didn't have anymore dreams about us dating.. lol..

2006-02-06 [Radio_Active]: hehe

2006-02-06 [Master Of Puppets]: awsome. my dreams are always with the same girl

2006-02-06 [Radio_Active]: cool

2006-02-06 [piccolo sorcio]: lol =P

2006-02-06 [Master Of Puppets]: btw i have sent you a messsage discribing the dream i had with you. have you seen it?

2006-02-06 [Radio_Active]: who me?

2006-02-06 [Master Of Puppets]: no no i was talkin to [piccolo sorcio]

2006-02-06 [Radio_Active]: ow, oki

2006-02-06 [Master Of Puppets]: indeed. remember i said i had had a dream with her?

2006-02-06 [Radio_Active]: mhm

2006-02-06 [Master Of Puppets]: ok then good

2006-02-07 [Radio_Active]: :D

2006-02-07 [WENTOFF]: ?? i dont get it :P lol

2006-02-07 [Master Of Puppets]: what don´t you get?

2006-02-07 [*Tied up in stockings*]: The point of it.

2006-02-07 [Master Of Puppets]: of what?

2006-02-07 [WENTOFF]: Lol yea that 2 but, i dont get it why u asked : "remember i said i had had a dream with her?" en when he said yes: u only sed : thats good :P Lol u were talking about it the whole time, so thats why i dont get it

2006-02-07 [Master Of Puppets]: oh that

2006-02-08 [piccolo sorcio]: never mind people!! this is really getting to complicated =P lol.. yeah, I've seen it =)

2006-02-12 [Radio_Active]: yup

2006-02-12 [piccolo sorcio]: lol..

2006-02-13 [WENTOFF]: woohoo hello dronhelm :P

2006-02-14 [Dronhelm]: *dances around* yes yes me in my crazy jester hat ^.^

2006-02-14 [Sakura_It]: crazy crazy hat

2006-02-14 [piccolo sorcio]: kk.. where's all the exitement??? I miss the fooling around!!! *hides in corner*

2006-02-14 [Radio_Active]: *hugs Sorcio, your so cute*

2006-02-14 [piccolo sorcio]: thank you =D you're sweet too =D I love your hugs yay =D But I love everyones hugs =D *hugs everyone*(

2006-02-14 [Master Of Puppets]: *hugs Sorcio back* you know i love you too

2006-02-15 [Radio_Active]: hehe I think we all love her :)

2006-02-15 [Master Of Puppets]: what´s not to love about her?(retoric question)

2006-02-15 [piccolo sorcio]: awww... you're all too sweet! really.. *hugs everyone* I wish I would never have to let you all go.. It's a shame that [WENTOFF] isn't here now... I miss him.. he's not online that much is he??

2006-02-15 [Master Of Puppets]: no i don´t think so. at least he´s not when i am

2006-02-15 [piccolo sorcio]: neither when I'm online.. He did say that he wouldn't be online here that much anymore.. but.. oh well.. as long as you guys are around I'll have fun 'till the end =D It's just pitty that he isn't here to join the fun.. lol *hugs*

2006-02-15 [Master Of Puppets]: yeah. but i am always here

2006-02-15 [piccolo sorcio]: thankies =D *hugs*

2006-02-15 [Master Of Puppets]: *hugs back*

2006-02-16 [Radio_Active]: haha true, Anima..she's lovely

2006-02-16 [piccolo sorcio]: awww.. you guys.. you're really too sweet to me.. I love the world!! I love everyone in it!! Why can't I just hug every one in real life and show how much I care about you!!!

2006-02-16 [Master Of Puppets]: maybe one day who knoes?

2006-02-16 [Radio_Active]: sure, when where?..we both live in the NL

2006-02-17 [WENTOFF]: sneaky bastard :P

2006-02-17 [piccolo sorcio]: yeah, I'd like that.. Hey hun.. ([WENTOFF]) have you been on my profile again?? lol.. Cause I had to log myself in again.. You know I don't mind if you do, but IF you do, say so ok? *hugs you tight* I love you!

2006-02-17 [Radio_Active]: you like us meeting and hugging?

2006-02-18 [piccolo sorcio]: I LOVE hugging =D

2006-02-18 [Radio_Active]: I love that too, Im as called by my (girl) friends the huggybear

2006-02-18 [Master Of Puppets]: awsome that´s sweet

2006-02-18 [WENTOFF]: i know u love hugging my lil mouse :D

2006-02-19 [piccolo sorcio]: yeah, you do! lol.. I think everyone knows I love hugging.. I say it in my profiles everytime.. lol.. and you know I love you too [WENTOFF].. You're MY Panther 4-ever!!!

2006-02-23 [Master Of Puppets]: ok my pic is here

2006-02-24 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: do we just put our pics in here ourselves? and do they have to be from a webcam?

2006-02-24 [piccolo sorcio]: yep.. but they can also be from a digital camera if you don't have good webcam pictures or whatever =D

2006-02-24 [piccolo sorcio]:


By the way.. lol

2006-02-25 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: Thanks :) And that's awesome bcuz my webcam broke last year and have yet to get a new one >.<

2006-02-25 [WENTOFF]: yeah welcome :D

2006-02-25 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: piccie added *smiles*

2006-02-25 [piccolo sorcio]: Awwww... you're sweet =) You remind me of my mom when she was young. May sound weird, but she was a total hottie so.. Don't feel offendid lol.. *hugs* oh, by the way.. I love hugging =D haha, lol..

2006-02-25 [Master Of Puppets]: god i look so spaced out on m ypic

2006-02-25 [WENTOFF]: lol 2 much drugs?

2006-02-25 [Radio_Active]: hehe :D

2006-02-25 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: Were you talking to me piccolo? O.o So many people talk in here, I kinda got lost lol

2006-02-25 [Master Of Puppets]: actualy i´m always that spaced out.

2006-02-26 [WENTOFF]: yeah she ment u , Kentucky..

2006-02-26 [piccolo sorcio]: yep I did.. [WENTOFF] shut up! lol.. I can manage things myself =) lol.. No, I like you hun =)

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: Ohhh ok lol Sorry, I tend to be "out of it" alot :p *hugs* Thanks for the commpliment [piccolo socio] ^^

2006-02-26 [WENTOFF]: :O i dont know if she ment me or u kentucky :O

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: lol neither do i but i kinda meant what she said before...about me being a total hottie like her mom was when she was young lol

2006-02-26 [WENTOFF]: oww :P lol okay :D yeah.. i think her mom was a hotty , because Picollo is a hotty, and shes her mums daughter :P

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: lmao yeah, she is kinda a hottie, and most hotties usually take after the mom lol

2006-02-26 [Master Of Puppets]: anyone here into rp?

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: role playing? lol Um...I'm not sure, don't think I've ever done that before lol

2006-02-26 [Master Of Puppets]: realy?never before?

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: nope, not that i'm aware of

2006-02-26 [Master Of Puppets]: well in case you are interested stop by dragontopia my newest rp wiki

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: I will :) Just not atm...I'm taking care of this jerk who's being totally disrespectful

2006-02-26 [WENTOFF]: yep :) shes my friend :D i love her so much :D

2006-02-26 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: that's awesome :)

2006-02-28 [Radio_Active]: Who deleted my comment?

2006-02-28 [piccolo sorcio]: I didn't.. I don't own this wiki.. lol.. Well, Thank you all very much.. and thank you Tomas for saying that my mom's a total hottie =P

2006-02-28 [WENTOFF]: i deleted all the comments after what i sed.. cuz i lied when i sed that.. i deleted all reactions of it :P

2006-02-28 [piccolo sorcio]: I know hun.. but you DID mean it.. only now you're probably sorry.. =P

2006-02-28 [WENTOFF]: no i really dont mean it! it was anger which spoke.. but yeah im sorry

2006-02-28 [piccolo sorcio]: I know.. *hugs*

2006-02-28 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: i'm lost lol

2006-03-01 [Radio_Active]: tsssss

2006-03-01 [piccolo sorcio]: god.. I'm getting so tired of all these guys asking me for my msn adress.. what am I? Some kind of call-girl on the internet or something??? *sigh*

2006-03-01 [Master Of Puppets]: just ignore them and they will go away

2006-03-01 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: I agree with Fallen

2006-03-01 [WENTOFF]: im not considering u as my call girl.. i consider u as my future... <3

2006-03-02 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: who? me? wow, i get really lost easily lol *feels stupid*

2006-03-02 [Master Of Puppets]: i belive he was refering to sorcio. of course i could be wrong

2006-03-02 [Radio_Active]: hahaha

2006-03-03 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: lol i thought that too

2006-03-03 [Radio_Active]: hehe

2006-03-03 [WENTOFF]: :P arent u english kentucky rose?

2006-03-05 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: Lol yeah...why?

2006-03-06 [Radio_Active]: She's even American :D

2006-03-08 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: Who? Me? lol Of course I'm American O.o

2006-03-09 [piccolo sorcio]: you guys are nuts =P

2006-03-09 [Radio_Active]: yup, totaly

2006-03-09 [Master Of Puppets]: very much nuts. and we love being nuts. at least i do

2006-03-09 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: I agree with [Master Of Puppets] lol

2006-03-09 [Master Of Puppets]: good good

2006-03-09 [Radio_Active]: hahaha

2006-03-10 [piccolo sorcio]: me too =D

2006-03-10 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: lol  so besides us all being nuts... whats up?

2006-03-10 [Radio_Active]: Im doing good :)

2006-03-10 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: That's good to hear :)

2006-03-11 [Radio_Active]: hehe

2006-03-11 [piccolo sorcio]: I'm bored =P My boyfriend went to Limburg today =( I miss him *sniffle*

2006-03-12 [Radio_Active]: aww, poor you ;)

2006-03-13 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: Sorry I'm not on much... got a new job so now I don't have much time to get on. Argh v.v

2006-03-13 [Radio_Active]: hehe cool :)

2006-03-15 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: i guess lol

2006-03-15 [Radio_Active]: *hug*

2006-03-18 [♥OsoSPIFFY!♥]: *hug*

2006-03-18 [Radio_Active]: whee :)

2006-04-06 [tight pussy for licking and fuckin]: *piss in my mouth!*

2006-04-07 [Radio_Active]: sorry?

2010-05-24 [The Green Bastard]:


Ronnie James Dio
July 10, 1942 - May 16, 2010
"The vision never dies."

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