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2007-08-20 07:42:22
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More of Fox

here is one ofthese crappy questionaires to that you get to know me a bit more...

-- [Name:]Geoffrey
-- [Nickname:] Geoff, Walker, Fox, Silver
-- [Birthdate:] April 26, 1985
-- [Birthplace:] Columbus, Ga
-- [Hair color:] Brown
-- [Height:] 5' 10
-- [Righty or lefty:] Ambidexterious

-- [Your heritage:] Scottish, Irish and Native American, and German
-- [The shoes you wore today:] Dark Blue Vans, Gray Nikes, and Tan Combat boots
-- [Your weakness:] None Known
-- [Your fears:] None Known
-- [Your perfect pizza:] Pepperoni and Extra cheese
-- [Goal you'd like to achieve:] Save the world, just once

-- [Your thoughts first waking up:] "Am I gonna be late?"
-- [Your most overused phrase:] Don't Really have one
-- [Your best physical feature:] My stong hands
-- [Your bedtime:] When I fall asleep
-- [Your most missed memory:] Can't remember

-- [Soda:] Dr. Pepper
-- [Fast food joint:] Burger King
-- [Single or group dates:] Single
-- [Adidas or Nike:] Nike
-- [Chocolate or vanilla:] Chocolate
-- [Cappuccino or coffee:] Cappichino

-- [Smoke:] Like a chimney
-- [Sing:] When I am in the mood
-- [ bathe or shower] Shower
-- [Have a crush(es):] Yes
-- [Do you think you've been in love:] Twice
-- [Want to go to college:] Yes
-- [Like high school:] Nope
-- [Want to get married:] yesh
-- [Believe in yourself:] Sometimes
-- [Get motion sickness:] No
-- [Think you're attractive:] Not at all
-- [Think you're a health freak:] NEVER!!
-- [Get along with your parents:] Most of the time
-- [Like thunderstorms:] Of course
-- [Play an instrument:] Brass section and keyboard

In the past 6 months...
-- [Drank alcohol:] Yup
-- [Smoked:] Yup
-- [Done a drug:] Only legal ones
-- [Had oral:] Once
-- [Made out:] Yup
-- [Gone on a date:] Nope
-- [Gone to the mall:] Yup
-- [Eaten an entire box of icecream:] Nope
-- [Eaten sushi:] Allergic
-- [Been on stage:] Nope
-- [Gone skating:] Yup
--[Made homemade cookies:] Nope
-- [Gone skinny-dipping:] Almost, but got chased off
-- [Dyed your hair:] In the Army
-- [Stolen anything:] Not officially... j/k, Nope

-- [Played a game that required removal of clothing:] Only a few times
-- [Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:]Yes, but only twice
-- [Been caught doing something?] Nope
-- [Been called a tease:] Nope
-- [Gotten beaten up:] Three times
-- [Shoplifted:] Yes, and I am ashamed... that I got caught last time
-- [Changed who you were to fit in:] NEVER!!

-- [Age you hope to be married:] When I find the right woman
-- [Numbers and names of children:] No idea
-- [Describe your dream wedding:] Outdoors, traditional pagen wedding
-- [How you want to die:] On my Feet!!!!
-- [Where do you want to go to college:] Somewhere nice
-- [What do you want to be when you grow up:] A hero
-- [What country would you most like to visit:] Japan

In the preferred sex...
-- [Best eye color:] Light blue or brown...ish
-- [Best hair color:] Brown or red
-- [Short or long hair:] Short
-- [Best height:] Shorter then me
-- [Best weight:] Not skinny enough to blow away in the win, but not too heavy for me to lift
-- [Best articles of clothing:] Pants and shirt
-- [Best first date location:] Somewhere that we can see the stars
-- [Best first kiss location:] Overlooking city night lights or a sunset

-- [Number of drugs taken illegally:] 1 it was pot
-- [Number of people I could trust with my life:] 3
-- [Number of CDs that I own:] Not sure
-- [Number of piercings:] None yet
-- [Number of tattoes:] None yet
-- [Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:] Never
-- [Number of scars on my body:] 5 big ones, and dozens of smaller ones
-- [Number of things in my past that I regret:] I regret nothing. And I wouldn't change anything either. If I changed something, or didn't do something, then I wouldn'y be who I am today

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