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Name: Dan
Photo missing.
Image missing.
Looking for
Sharing experiences | Female | Slave |
Sexaddict |
Civil status: alone
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: a little overweight
Height: 178
Month of birth: 5 | Day of birth: 25 |
You know, I still login here once in a while, perhaps too regularly even. Sometimes I look at my friends list, and what do I see? I see "Last Seen - 256 days" or something similar, for practically everyone.
This is depressing.
If only there was a little love in the world, if only a heart mattered more.

This member is a fan of these wiki-pages: | |
And of 4 more wiki-pages.
List them Gender: male
Place of living: Canada
Exact place of living: North.
General Interests
books | games | cooking |
electronics | film | music |
politics | porn | plain role playing |
science | travelling | watching sport |
writing |