Page name: Awards Blacklist [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-07-26 01:09:40
Last author: Loki
Owner: Ultiem
# of watchers: 12
D20: 5
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This wiki is designed to keep us all on the same page. Sometimes members change names and that can get confusing when trying to remember if they have broken rules in our competitions. Please use this page as a reference and understand that we will go through this list and determine who should remain and who should be removed and cleared of their "charges".

Meaning:If you win in any of the fake awards categories,you will not recieve a badge.
1. [**love him so much**] campaigning through PM during FAKER of the month vote
2. [seedless] - Conduct blacklisting. disregarded instruction.
3. [Losthell] - Campaigning votes through PM
4. [Sunshine.] - Campaigned through moods with her boyfriend
5. [DeeJay™] - Campaigned through moods with his girlfriend.
6. [Wynter] - Use of clone house in awards.
7. [NmyID] - Use of clone house in awards.
8. [Kryslin] - Use of clone house in awards.
9. [Malachi] - Use of clone house in awards.

Notes: Some members have been banned from communication within the awards wikis due to being unable to type without seeming aggressive to someone. I have them listed here.

[Majestic Nightmare of Massacre] - was told twice to communicate without aggression. 3rd time silenced her.

Place suspects below and a member of the Council will investigate.

-fake awards

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2007-04-20 [Ultiem]: thanks cara

2007-04-20 [Caramela]: anytime ^_^

2007-05-30 [Caramela]: good lord alot happend while i was gone O_O

2007-06-29 [DRACE]: O.o hmmm I thought there would be more who would be blacklisted then just them 5 o.O

2007-06-29 [Ultiem]: mini skirt dessert is next

2007-06-29 [DRACE]: heh what did the tramp do?

I don't like racist people, so I am sorry to all the tramps that read this comment

2007-06-29 [Ultiem]: cheating by PM

2007-06-29 [DRACE]: heh ok, that I would believe, I mean tthe pics she has up of those tits of hers, I mean for fucks sake a pig has nicer tits then her

2008-06-03 [DRACE]: hmmm, I forgot I could look on here o.O

2009-08-19 [Ultiem]: I have removed all members who were inactive for 60+ days as it is unknown whether they would come back or not.

2012-07-26 [Wynter]: Add [Kryslin] & [Malachi] also. Please and thank you! =)

2012-07-26 [Bat Zaddy]: Is this your admitting that they are, indeed, clone houses?

2012-07-26 [Wynter]: From my understanding these are "known" characters

2012-07-27 [Tr!X*]: :3

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