Nice Pussy!
So you have always wondered what to say when you see a nice pussy? Well, here is the entire list. Or... If you miss something then add it at the end! Remember: They all have to start with
"Nice pussy, may".
Nice pussy, may I finger it?
Nice pussy, may I lick it?
Nice pussy, may I shave it?
Nice pussy, may I watch the hair grow out on it?
Nice pussy, may I put feathers on it and pretend it's a cock?
Nice pussy, may I put some flowers in it?
Nice pussy, may I have hot passionate sex with other woman while looking at it?
Nice pussy, may I bring it home?
Nice pussy, may I take a photo of it and put it on Fake?
Nice pussy, may I ignore it and use the backdoor instead?
Nice pussy, may I draw some mice on it?
Nice pussy, may I watch TV now?
Nice pussy, may we use it for training pool?
Nice pussy, may I see it fight with the neighbour's cat?
Nice pussy, may I ask where its tail is?
Nice pussy, may I hire it to pick up lesbians?
Nice pussy, may I paint it black and pretend it's a T-Ford?
Nice pussy, may I share it with my dog?
Nice pussy, may I pretend it's dead and have sex with it?
Nice pussy, may I cure my brother's homosexuality with it?
Nice pussy, may I cure my girlfriend's heterosexualit
y with it?
Nice pussy, may I play with my toy car on it?
Nice pussy, may my kid play with his toy car on it?
Nice pussy, may my kid and his friends play with their toy cars on it?
Nice pussy, may my kid, his friends and their parents play with their toy cars on it?
Nice pussy, may I ask you to play with it alone?
Nice pussy, may I give it a mouse?
Nice pussy, may I decorate it for Christmas?
Nice pussy, may I put a string on it?
Nice pussy, may I correct the spelling in its tattoo?
Nice pussy, may I mark my territory on it?
Nice pussy, may I fill it with soft serve ice cream?
Nice pussy, may I stuff a live squid in it?
Nice pussy, may I have it with chocolate?
Nice pussy, may my dragon have it as a home?
Nice pussy, may I jam my cone into it.
Nice pussy, may I dye it purple?
Nice Pussy, may I pretend you're Garfield and stick you on my car window?
Nice Pussy, may I dip it in caramel?
Nice pussy, may I go cavern exploring inside?
Nice Pussy, may I paint a picture of it?
Nice Pussy, may I hide pennies in it?
Nice Pussy, may my cat play with it?
Nice Pussy, may I sleep in it?
Nice Pussy, may I eat it with my breakfast?
Nice Pussy, may I make a wiki-page about it?
Nice Pussy, may I use it as a teddy bear?
Nice Pussy, may I use it in a casserole?
Nice Pussy, may I eat it with ice cream?
Nice Pussy, may I fill it with chocolate?
Nice Pussy, may I stuff it with meat?
Nice Pussy, may I write an essay on it?
Nice Pussy, may I deep-fry it and eat it with chips?
Nice Pussy, may I use it as a temporary backpack to put my books in?
Nice pussy, may I see if it tastes like Chinese?
Nice pussy, may I hide my drugs in it?
Nice pussy, may I take a picture of it then post it on the internet causing you a great emotional distress which will lead to a depression that causes you to slit your wrists and then murder me with a dull pick axe?
Nice pussy, may I poke it and see if it bites?
Nice pussy, may I ask how often you feed it?
Nice pussy, may I ask if, when you were young your mother and father collectively dephile it, and if this is the reason you're so emotionally dissociative, dysfunctional and are unable to cope with everyday social situations?
Nice pussy, may I have it?
Nice pussy, may I?
Nice pussy, may I rub it vigorously with my penis inside causing it to erupt womanly vagina juice?
Nice pussy, may I use it to dry myself off after a shower?
Nice pussy, may I dip it in chocolate and eat it for dessert?
Nice pussy, may I roll it in flour and bake it at 365 for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden brown?
Nice pussy, may I pop the top so the fun will not stop?
Nice pussy, may I stir my dick in it like a kool-aid spoon?
Nice pussy, may I put my foot in it?
Nice Pussy, may i hide in it across the canadian border?
Nice pussy, may I hide my weapons of mass destruction in it?
Nice pussy, may I mine it for gold?
Nice pussy, may I take you home and munch on that sweet clit?
Nice pussy, may I fuck it?
Nice pussy, may I burn it!
Nice pussy, may I doodle little faces on it and make it talk in a strange falsetto?
Nice pussy, may I abduct it off a deserted street corner, then hogtie and gag it, and take it to an abandoned warehouse where I will let my dogs rape it until they cant cum anymore?
Nice pussy, may I draw a moustache over it?
Nice pussy, may I pick it out of a special patch, and pay way too much for it, then wash it, cut out a lid, gut it, and carve a face into it, so that it can glow from a candle inside it, and eventually be smashed by the neighborhood kids?
Nice pussy, may I transplant in onto my boyfriend if you would happen to die?
Nice pussy, may I stick my fingers in it?
Nice pussy, may I take it to a sleep over?
Nice pussy, may I fuck you silly and cum inside of it while licking another girl?
nice pussy, may I poke u silly till my hand is coverd in ure cum and swallow it?
Nice pussy, may I play with ice on it?
Nice pussy, may I get a girl to poke it?
Nice pussy, may I hit it with a kinky whip?
Nice pussy, may I eat the cum cummin from u?
Nice pussy, may I remember u 4 eva
Nice pussy, may I pretend that it looks just like that dolphin pussy I saw but at the same time forget about that I learnt that the dolphin pussy in question actually was withdrawn male genitals? (
Nice pussy, may I ask it to redo my roof?
Nice pussy, may I borrow your pen?
Nice pussy, are there vacancies within?
Nice pussy, may I cut it off and marinate it for 6 hours in a nice stew?
Nice pussy, may i ask it where i left my wallet?
Nice pussy, may I sew a penis to it and call you my pretty little boy?
Nice pussy, may I ask you if you'd want to trade it for a deck of Magic cards?
Nice pussy, may I ask it for a ride?
Nice pussy, may I shit on it?
Nice pussy, May I piss on it?
Nice Pussy, May I get some in a cup to go?