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CASPER (2025 or bust)

Member #8279 created: 2008-03-26 06:21:43Simple URL:   




Sex-monsterCrazy kidMaster
Bondage artRebelObedient servant

Looking for
Sharing experiencesFemaleHorny Couple
SlaveSexaddictYounger than 18
18-30 years31-45 years46-65 years
66++ yearsMasterMistress
Fat peopleSlim peopleMuscular people
Short peopleTall Peoplebisexuals

Civil status: live together with partner

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Sexual perversions
giving spankinghaving spankinggiving analsex

Body shape: plump

Height: 173

Age: 53Year of birth: 1971Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 27

am a big guy who loves to hang out with friends and family.I have numerous hobbies and interest.I love all kinds of music and movies.big on action and sci do.I love to read a lot of various types of books.mostly bios and sci fi.I am always down to getting into meeting people and possibly texting or writing back and forth.text or call.please just let me know who you are.281 965 5556

Number 1 =
My Mummy =
My Boyfriend =
My Daddy =
My Sisters =
My Brothers =
My Son =
My Daughter =
My girlfriend =
My Romeo =
My Fairy God Mother =
My Whore =
My Idol =
My Stalker =
My Bitch =
My Star =
My Angel =
My Devil =
My Funny guy =
My Hottie =
My Huni =
My Soulmate =
My Partner In Crime =
My Guardian Angel =
My Babe =
My Baby boy =

1. Give me your number?
2. Have sex with me?

3. Let me kiss you?

4. Watch a movie with me?

5. Let me take you out to dinner?

6. Drive me somewhere/anywhere?

7. Take a shower with me?

8. Be my bf/gf?

9. Have a fling with me?

10. Buy me a drink if i didnt have money?

11. Take me home for the night?

12. Would you let me sleep in your bed?

13. Sing car karaoke w/ me?

14. Re-post this for me to answer your

15. Do you think im attractive, sexy, or hot?

16. Do you like my style?

17. Do you think im funny?

18. Do you care about me?

19. Would you dance with me?

20. Would you sing happy birthday to me?

1. Do you think I'm cute?

2. Would you have sex with me, love me, or fuck me?

3. lights on or off?

4. Would you have to be drunk?

5.Would you take a shower with me?

6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me?

7.Would you leave after or stay the night?

8.Do you like cuddling afterwards?

9.Condom or skin?

10. Have sex on the first date?

11.Would you kiss me during sex?

12.Do you think I would be good in bed?

13. Would you use me as a booty call?

14.Can I use you as a booty call?

15.Can we take pictures of the act?

16.How long would we have sex?

17.Would you tell your friends about me?

18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?

My Sexy girls =
My pets =
My Secret Admirer =
My Dirty Dancer =
My Body guard =
My sexy guy =
My Prince Charming =
My Camping Partner =
My Man slut =
My Slaves =
My Buddy =
My Best man =
My Lover =
My Best friends =
My Smexy Vampire =
My Twilight =
My Mistress =
My Right Hand Man=
My Left Hand Man=
My Advisor=
My Minnon=
My Jester=

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Gender: male

Place of living: USA-Texas

Exact place of living: H~TOWN

Known languages

General Interests
plain role playingsciencesmoking
travellingwatching sportwriting

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