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Daemon (Good weekend, bad monday. Hope it gets better.)

Member #9224 created: 2009-01-07 18:28:51Simple URL:   

Name: Dacota "Daemon" Babcock



Kharizmatik Stylez


Looking for
FemaleSexaddict18-30 years
31-45 yearsMistressSlim people
Tall Peoplebisexualshomosexuals

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Sexual perversions
giving spankinghaving spankinggiving analsex
dick-suckingwatching squirts

Body shape: fit

Height: 185

Age: 30Year of birth: 1993Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 30

Index-pages in the wiki: (help)

I am 6ft, 239lbs. I have black and silver hair. I like to do MMA, play football, practice martial arts, and sing my heart out. There isn't much to me i just want to meet people. To All my friends: my phone got disconnected so it will be a while before i can get it back up to availability. My apologies to those that tried to call me and didn't get through. Ask me anything you want but if you harrass me i will block you.

[Serra Angel]: This lovely woman is a dear dear friend. She is talented in ways that make me shiver. She has the biggest heart and has my friendship for as I long as live and breathe.

[foxyvixen17]: This woman I have known for a long time. We have had our ups and downs but I am always here for her. I love you Anita.

[ShaKaiMonea]: This sweet blackberry is a one of a kind woman with a one of a kind heart. I did a lot things that should have made her hate me but she is still here and I love her all the more for it. I love you Kia.

[Bat Zaddy] Man this guy is one crazy individual. He keeps me guessing and always has great conversation for me. I haven't spoken to him in a while but I miss him and hope to speak to him soon.

[Whimsical Acquiescence]: Chelsea is a wonderful gal who had my heart for the longest time and I cant wait to see the beatiful child that her and her fiance are going to bring into this world. Love you Chelsea.

[Sinful Raine666]: Sin is an interesting woman who has a sweet heart and an even sweeter way of speaking but she is too trusting. She is adorable and I love being her friend. Love you Sin.

This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
Thick ChicksSnapShots Of A VixenThe Blood Bar
And of 13 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Gender: male

Place of living: USA-Colorado

Exact place of living: Loveland, around the corner from TVHS

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishFrench

General Interests
politicsreligionplain role playing
theatretravellingwatching sport

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