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Sinful Raine666 (The sweet sounds of lust make me your ultimate sin)

Member #7960 created: 2008-01-17 19:45:20Simple URL:   

Name: Raine StormSing




This means I won 2nd place in Best Tits Award

AdventurerCrazy kidMistress
Bondage artistRebel

Looking for
Sharing experiencesFemaleMale
Fat peopleSlim peopleShort people
Tall Peoplebisexualsheteros

Civil status: married

Sexual preference: both sexes

Sexual perversions
giving spankinghaving spankinggetting analsex

Body shape: big breasted

Age: 35Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 7Day of birth: 8

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I am one that died with things unfinished and I am one that came back a black crow brought me back although i have no idea why

Good evening girls and boys I am Mistress Snow and I can see your darkest desires, I am the Mistress of the Night and I am happy being the Mistress of the Night, now if you care to come in and sit you are welcome, but tread lightly for you would not want to anger me. PLease do not be afraid to come and sit for awhile but be warned.

Warning I have a temper and I know how to use it

This is my pet, step quietly if you enter my house



I love this collar


This is a pic that i really like



My wikis
My Strange Family If you consider yourself part of my family put your name here please
shade's corner
shades bookshelf
The Blood Bar
The Coven
sin's funhouse
the crypt
the old town
the saloon



I'am a holder of hearts i hold these hearts

I am [Deleted user]'s pet neko-puppygirl

I am worth $2,985,956 at</cen weter>
I guards my sissies and they guards me
[hell's angel]
[Majestic Nightmare of Massacre]
[Mikame Sayomi]


[Lord Arthin]
[Death's Hellhound]
[The Iron Warrior]
[Snakebyte Forktounge]

into brother/sister rp and i love to cum and make others cum

[You say Jonas Brothers- I say Seether
You say Taylor Swift-I say Ozzy Osbourne
You say Soulja Fag-I say Tenacious D
You say Miley Cyrus-I say Guns and Roses
You say rap-I say rock
You say pop-I say METAL
92% of kids have turned to rap,pop,& hip hop. If your one of the 8% who like to either headbang to heavy metal and disturb the peace or enjoy rock then you should copy and paste this.

My Masters = [Peace.]

My Angels = [Lord Arthin]

My Mates = [VIX]

My Hotties = [Snakebyte Forktounge]

My Papi's =

My Pooh-Bear =

My Admirers = [Peace.]

My Whores = [The end]

My Boyfriend =

My Daddy = [VIX]

My Sisters = [Majestic Nightmare of Massacre], [hell's angel], [Mikame Sayomi], [foxyvixen17]

My Brothers = 

My girlfriend = [Serra Angel]

My Romeos = [The Last Samurai]

My Stalkers = [DRACE]

My Stars = [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]

My Devils = [Deleted user]

My Funny guys = [e], [The Iron Warrior]

My Soulmate = [The Obsidian Knight]

My Guardian Angels = [Rajani Tora], [The Judas Priest], [Legendary Killer]
These people mean a lot to me and they have passed away

My pets = [Lokulu],[Tetsuya]

My Dirty Dancers = [Mikame Sayomi]

My Body guards = [Death's Hellhound]

My sexy guys = [VIX]

My Man sluts = [Deleted user]

My Bits on the side = [Texas Saint]

My Buddys = [DroopySleepy]

My Soulmate =

My Best guys = [golden t]

My Best friends = [NyteRyder], [Deleted user]

My Demolition Crew = [TEDYBER]

My Rockstars = [Deleted user]

My Brother Bears = [the ack9]

My Juggalo's = [Master_Juggalo]

My Werewolf Friend = [Losthell]

My Juggalette's =

My Daughters =

My Mummy =

My Sons =

My Fairy God Mothers =

My Mistresses =

My Idols =

My Bitches =

My Hunis =

My Babes =

My Sexy girls =[Serra Angel]

My Camping Partners =

My Lovers = [VIX]

My Number 1 =

My Prince Charmings = [The Iron Warrior]

My Partners In Crime =

My Baby boys = [Master of Darkness],[Krazy-Kdog]

My Slaves = [Krazy-Kdog]

My Smexy Vampires = [mr mrs pussy slayer XXX], [Master of Darkness]

My Twilights =

My Vampire believers = [Krazy-Kdog]

♥When a guy calls you hot
hes looking at ur body
when a guy calls you pretty
hes looking at ur face
when a guy calls you beautiful
hes looking at your heart♥

Borrowed from a friend
Gabriel went to the Lord and said, "I have to talk to you. We have some Texans up here who are causing problems... They're swinging on the Pearly Gates, my horn is missing, and they are wearing T-shirts instead of their robes; there's barbecue sauce and picante sauce all over everything, especially their T-shirts; their dogs are riding in the chariots and chasing the sheep; they are wearing baseball caps and cowboy hats instead of their halos. They refuse to keep the stairway to Heaven clean, and their boots are marking and scuffing up the halls of Wisdom. There are watermelon seeds and tortilla chip crumbs all over the place. Some of them are walking around with just one wing; and they insist on bringing their horses with them."
The Lord said, "Texans are Texans, Gabriel. Heaven is home to all of my children. If you want to know about real problems, call the Devil."
So Gabriel calls the Devil who answers the phone and says, "Hello---hold on a minute." When he returns to the phone the Devil says, "O.K., I'm back. What can I do for you? "
Gabriel replied, "I just want to know what kinds of problems you are having down there with the Texans."
The Devil said, "Hold on again. I need to check on something." After about 5 minutes the Devil returned to the phone and said. "I'm back. Now what was the question?"
Gabriel said, "What kind of problems are you having down there with the Texans?"
The Devil said, "Man, I don't believe this...hold on." This time the Devil was gone 15 minutes and when he returns he says, "I'm sorry Gabriel, I can't talk right now. Those Texans have put out the fire and are trying to install air conditioning

You stay up for 16 hours

He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.

He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.

He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.

He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.

You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.

He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.

You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.

He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.

He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.

He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.

He doesn't get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.

He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.

He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.

You're angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.

He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.

He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.

He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.

He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet

You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.

He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.

He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.

You see only what the media wants you to see.

He sees the broken bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don't.

He does exactly what he is told.

You stay at home and watch TV.

He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.

He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.

You sit there and judge him, saying the world is probably a worse place because of men like him.

If only there were more men like him
[If you support your troops, repost this]

People that I care about
[Majestic Nightmare of Massacre]Fuck with her and i will rip you to shreds
[Lord Arthin]
[Death's Hellhound]Fuck with this person and I will make sure that your life is a living hell and believe me i have ways
[Mikame Sayomi]
[hell's angel]
[Master of Darkness]

Rp used in: Secret pack
Appearance: Fur is black with hints of light blue and she looks like a pup, with one blue eye and one green eye. 
Name: Myst
Race: Werecreature
Animal: Mainly wolf
Age: unknown
Powers: visions, and the element water
Weapon: a small saphhire encrusted dagger
Personality: protective, caring
Special Markings: a black crescent moon on her cheek
History: unknown as she does not know where sahe comes from or who her parents were. All that she does remember that a gruop of humans captured her and tried to make her a pet, but that it was by some miracle that she managed to escape.

Lovely lil Anime pics
My vampire and child form
New pics of me
Roses and Lilacs

This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
Mistress and twoSecret PackCastle Knight and Valentine
And of 26 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Gender: female

Place of living: USA-Colorado

Exact place of living: You only wish you knew

Known languages
Sign LanguageBulgarianCzech

General Interests

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