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♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀ (<img:stuff/aj/4214/valentines.gif>)

Member #4214 created: 2006-06-04 05:06:47Simple URL:   

Name: ♥Cinder♥ ♥Michiko♥ or Teh AJ©




I was featured as a Slut of the Week!


Looking for
18-30 yearstransvestites

Sexual preference: all sexes

Sexual perversions
watchingstalkinggiving spanking
having spankinggetting analsexdick-sucking

Body shape: big breasted

Age: 24Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 28


ღஐⓚⓞⓣⓣⓞⓝ ⓚⓐⓝⓓⓨஐღ

Your Sweet and Delicious Treat

Song of the day/week/whenever the hell I feel like changing it:

★Yeah I am a SuperStar★

Wiki of the day/week/whenever I get around to changing it:


My Derdyness
My main list of wiki's that I either own or interest me greatly..
You should check it out.. they rock my socks behbeh♥


Read Before Messaging

I probably won't talk to you if you don't.. and I might just block you.. so if you really want to talk to me you'll read it.



Ms.Jes and Teh AJ have naked fun

[☆Shαwtÿ] & [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]

Lovin You is Cherry Pie

✿[]✿Lets Play a Love Game✿[]✿

Dark Carnival




Oh and I feel the need to inform you that [Stephen] rocks :D


☠[]☠Lost Northern Star-Tarja Turunen☠[]☠

Legend says that when grief overpowers happiness
the northern star loses its light and falls down on earth
where thee become a man.
One person alone can help.

I'm the one who leaves shadows in you room at night:
I'm the reason you're listening enlightening you eyes.
When Pan meets Apollo down with the sin
they will send tears of angels though kindness won't win.

Lost northern star
Buried in sorrow,
I'll guard your mind.
Let demons howl outside.

Where the calm fields of snow become one with the sky
I am there; I am waiting as time passes by
I set up the weather to suit how you feel
Drop rain down with wishes, build grace out of steel

Lost northern star
Buried in sorrow,
I'll guard your mind.
Let demons howl outside.

My soul burns.

Sending dream flakes your way.
painting pictures to help you each day.
Yet you don't know I'm there.

Lost northern star
Buried in sorrow,
I'll guard your mind.
Let demons howl outside.

My soul burns.




♀.:Your Friendly Neighborhood Photo Whore:.♀



AJ's Blacklist
no this is not a wiki for everyones eyes..
all my friends are more then welcome to ask for the passy to view it and see who I've blacklisted and why..
and trust me there very good reasons..


This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
Dark CarnivalAJ's funhouseStephy's Stuff
And of 34 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Gender: female

Place of living: USA-Illinois

Exact place of living: Your most perverted fantasy

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglish

General Interests
plain role playingsmokingshopping

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