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NaughtyAngel (Hoping 2013 will be ever so much better then 2012)

Member #11261 created: 2012-03-06 19:32:31Simple URL:   

Name: Leiruka


The best way


Bondage artRebelObedient servant

Looking for
Sharing experiencesFemaleMale
Sexaddict18-30 yearsMaster
MistressTall Peoplebisexuals

Civil status: live together with partner

Sexual preference: all sexes

Sexual perversions
bondage-makinggiving spankinghaving spanking
getting analsexdick-sucking

Body shape: big breasted

Height: 168

Age: 24Year of birth: 1988Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 22

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I'm a sweet NaughtyAngel that lives in Alaska. I like to be intimate and Im always looking for a new playmate. I don't even mind sharing the ones I have if they catch your interest too. If you wanna explore a intimate cyber hit me up it seems Im very naughty at roleplaying too. I was also thinking of posting a story or two on here but still haven't decided.

Lately i've become a partner with someone and were trying really hard to get custody of our nephews... I hope we can do it cause i love those boys like if they were mine.

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Are you priviledged?The DollOnce Friends, Now Lovers
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Gender: female

Place of living: USA-Alaska

Exact place of living: Anywhere

Known languages

General Interests
travellingwatching sportwriting

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