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XBox LIVE Gamertag - VenOmTaTToo
How I get games among other things! :D
BioBot - RP created by [
!- Don't message me to cyber, for I will flame you to death/find your residence and phone number, and drop it on the Internet/haras
s you to no end. Also, I don't plan on posting my PENIS on here.
Sorry, but I'm not a whore.
!- Don't just randomly message me with a "Hi" or "Hello". Post something MORE. Don't expect me to start a conversation with you if YOU started messaging me in the first damn place.
I currently use:
-MSN Messenger-
-AOL Instant Messenger-
Ask me for any of these.
I hate descriptions, yet I keep maintaining one. Funny...
Things that may interest you:
-I'm a Monster fiend. It's all I drink, besides water and raspberry tea.
-I'm a social drinker, and I do smoke. (Of course where I live, I might as well quit, it'd be a good financial decision)
-I'm a gamer. My current flair is skate. for the 360. My heart, though, stays with the classics...
-I ride ATV now. Hopefully I can get good enough to start competing..
-I read books alot. I've read most of my book collection, so now I need to buy more..
--I'll probably put more on here when I feel like it..--
x--- Awesome People ---x
[DJ M1ZT4K3] is my closest friend. Mess with him, I'll fuck you sideways with a rusty machete. Don't believe me? Ask, and I'll show you the machete.
[Lollipop Rage] - Fellow Toaster Ninja Assassin. Awesome to talk to about anything.
Currently reading - The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy